Loveland Reporter-Herald

An honest summation of the pro-abortion position

- — Jane Muhlenbruc­h-yee, Loveland

In one minute, Bill Maher summed up the pro-abortion position this (past) weekend. He said, “Not if you believe it’s murder. You know, that’s why I don’t understand the 15week thing. Or … Trump’s plan (to) leave it to the states. You mean, so killing babies is OK in some states? I can respect the absolutist position. … I scold the left on when they say, ‘Oh, you know what, they just hate women, people who aren’t pro-choice.’ They don’t hate women. They just made that up. They think it’s murder. And it kind of is. I’m just OK with that. I am. I mean, there’s 8 billion people in the world. I’m sorry, we won’t miss you. That’s my position. … Is that not your position if you’re pro-choice?”

So what did we learn?

The pro-choice position knows that a baby is being murdered during an abortion. They’re

OK with murder in this case.

Many pro-choicers do actually respect our morally clear position to be against all abortions, no exceptions.

They know it’s a lie to say pro-lifers hate women. We honestly love both mother and baby and take action to support both through pregnancy resource centers like Birthline, Life Choices and the Alpha Center. These are run completely on donations.

For elites like Bill Maher, overpopula­tion is a big deal. Atrocities like abortion can be overlooked to reduce the population. While the perfect population number likely varies between elites, the 500 million number often gets tossed around.

With the current world population just over 8 billion, 15 out of every 16 people will need to go.

They live. You die. And they won’t miss either of us.

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