Malvern Daily Record

A True Test


The past should be a springboar­d, not a hammock.

After all this, God tested Abraham. God said, “Abraham!”

“Yes?” answered Abraham. “I’m listening.” – Genesis 22:1

In his book The Purpose-Driven Church, Rick Warren reports on a survey that found 89% of church members believe the church’s purpose is to “take care of my needs and those of my family.” Only 11% said, “The purpose of the church is to win the world for Jesus Christ.” (Page 82).

Remember when you first heard the message of salvation? How you wanted to go out and tell the whole world how great God is and how Christ can transform them as well?

But then things happen. We get older. The newness wears off. Sometimes we’re just too tired, too busy or too concerned with our own problems.

Sometimes we find ways to recapture that same spirit.

Sometimes we have new programs that will last for a few months or couple of years that enthuse us. Or maybe a Bible study that transforms us for a few years. But, after a while, the newness wears off again.

We get too old, too tired or too busy once more. And before you know it instead of being a church of celebratio­n, praising God’s glory and loving each other and the world around us we become the Rick Warren church. The church that takes care of our needs.

This is where we find Abraham. “After all of this” is the way Chapter 22 of Genesis starts. After everything Abraham had done.

After an entire life of sacrifice or hardship or proclaimin­g God’s message.

After almost sacrificin­g his son. After having kids way past his prime.

After all of this God spoke Abraham’s name.

And what was Abraham’s response? “Yes? I’m listening.”

Now you can add your own emphasis, but the way I think Abraham’s response probably was more like a whining, “Uuuuggghhh. Now what???!!!!”

God’s speaking your name today. How are you going to answer?

Or more importantl­y, how will you emphasize your words?

Let us pray.

Dear God. Thank you for the One in and through whom our lives become holy: your son, Jesus Christ. Because of him, our hands are never empty. And because of him we worship you this day.

In Christ’s name we pray. AMEN.

Pastor Troy is the pastor of Malvern First United Methodist Church. You can catch his daily video devotional­s at their website: www. firstmetho­distmalver­

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