Marin Independent Journal

Co-worker left out of sandwich run


DEAR AMY » I’m a man in my 50s working in a small office.

My workplace problem is extremely insignific­ant and frankly embarrassi­ng in the scheme of things. Honestly, it is like something out of a “Seinfeld” episode.

I’m on friendly terms with my co-workers. Occasional­ly “Donald” goes out at lunchtime and picks up sandwiches for the group. Donald goes around the office and takes the orders. He does this for everyone except me. I’ve never been included (sniffle, sniffle).

What’s worse is that Donald isn’t discreet about it. He’ll yell from across the room, “Hey, Kim, what kind of cheese do you want?”

Then he’ll call the sandwich shop and give long detailed instructio­ns for each sandwich, for everyone to hear: “OK, next is salami on Dutch crunch. Everything on it. No cheese ...” He seems to take great pride in his position as master sandwich organizer and orderer.

I don’t know what’s more upsetting: Not being invited, or the blatant way it’s done in front of me. Is it rudeness, meanness or just insensitiv­ity?

It’s actually so ridiculous it’s almost funny.

Friends and family suggest I invite myself, but that would make things even more awkward and is not my style at all.

It’s fine if he doesn’t consider me a friend. I cannot control something like that (although how hard is it to include another order and collect $10?).

Any insight into why this is happening, and how I can stop resenting it?

— George Wants Pastrami on Rye! DEAR GEORGE » First off — yes, this is an ideal “Seinfield” episode. I can see it now: George — frustrated and whining about being excluded by the Master Sandwich Orderer, while everyone around him weighs in with their own absurd solutions.

However — you are not George. You aren’t whining. In fact, your reaction — to see this as an absurd situation and to see the “rye” (get it?) humor in it — means that you are handling this frustratio­n with some perspectiv­e. You are also being emotionall­y honest. This hurts!

Where you are failing is in your refusal to say, “Hey, ‘Donald,’ next time you do a sandwich run, can I get in on that?” You could also offer to go on a sandwich run yourself, but that might unleash an absurd escalation (“Newman!”)

Donald might have made an assumption about you at some point in the past — that you’re not a “sandwich guy.”

The way NOT to resent this is to ask yourself, “What would Jerry (Seinfeld) do?” and train yourself to let this periodic absurdity trigger a smile.

You can contact Amy Dickinson via email: askamy@amydickins­on. com and follow her on Twitter @askingamy.

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