Marin Independent Journal

Once the mainstream model, Michigan GOP embraces right wing

- By Thomas Beaumont and David Eggert

LANSING, MICH. » Josh Venable, a longtime Michigan GOP operative and chief of staff to former U.S. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, can trace the arc of the state’s Republican Party clearly.

“This was the state where to be Republican was defined by Gerald Ford and George Romney,” Venable said, referring to the moderate former president and former governor.

Now, he said, it’s defined by Mike Shirkey, the state Senate majority leader who was overheard calling the Jan. 6 U.S. Capitol riot a “hoax”; Meshawn Maddock, the new co-chair of the state party who backed former President Donald Trump’s false claims of voter fraud; and the Proud Boys.

While the state has swung back to Democrats since Trump’s narrow 2016 win, choosing President Joe Biden by more than 150,000 votes, Michigan’s Republican Party has taken a hard right turn.

Its own Capitol in Lansing was the rallying point in April for armed Michigan Liberty Militia protesting pandemic restrictio­ns, including some members who were later charged with plotting to kidnap Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer.

The rightward lurch has altered the GOP’s image to one unrecogniz­able to its pragmatic 20th century standard-bearers, and the direction of the state party here could be an exemplar of other Midwestern battlegrou­nd states.

The move to more hard-line, extreme views in Michigan came into clearer view Wednesday when it became known that Trump devotees, no longer content with the GOP as their political home, had filed a petition with the state elections board to form a new Patriot Party.

Decades in the making, and punctuated loudly by Trump’s 2016 win, Michigan’s drift from the GOP’s center has prompted departures from traditiona­l conservati­ves and retributio­n against moderates.

It’s ominous for a party that suffered defeat statewide in 2018 and 2020 and where some Republican­s worry it has cost the party credibilit­y in a place long viewed as a bulwark of Midwestern common sense.

The shift is rooted in a combinatio­n of economic dislocatio­n caused by staggering job losses in the manufactur­ing sector and a cultural shift further to the right on issues like guns and abortion.

The state’s economy was suffering even before the Great Recession, which only fomented working class discontent.

From 2000 to 2010, Michigan had shed more than a million jobs, more than any state, most of them in manufactur­ing. Many were in the automotive industry in larger metro areas. But singlefact­ory small towns to the north also were flattened, as the North American Free Trade Agreement and the globalizat­ion it represente­d sparked losses that ballooned with the 2008 economic crash.

“All these things were a catalyst,” said Ken Sikkema, a former Michigan GOP Senate leader whose Grand Rapids district lost 5,000 jobs with three plant closures just before the 2008 crash.

“This building resentment that people just didn’t agree economical­ly or culturally with the direction percolated and exploded,” Sikkema said.

Traditiona­l conservati­ves like Paul Mitchell and others were casualties. Mitchell, who retired from the U.S. House after two terms representi­ng working-class eastern Michigan, later quit the GOP and assigned responsibi­lity for the Jan. 6 riot to Trump, for whom he voted twice.

Michigan’s two Republican congressio­nal moderates, Fred Upton and Peter Meijer, have been censured by county party committees for voting to impeach Trump.

On Tuesday, the GOP committee in Cass County, Upton’s home, sided with Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia over Upton, who voted with Democrats this month to strip Greene of her committee assignment­s for suggesting, among other debunked theories, that mass school shootings were false flags.

“In their resolution, they stated that ‘her comments have not been out of line with anyone else’s comments,’” Upton, a 34year incumbent, posted on Twitter on Wednesday about the Cass County GOP. “Really?”

Meijer, elected last year, said the party will continue to lose supporters if they celebrate and encourage its hard-right elements.

“If we’re strictly a litmus test party, we’re going to drum out some of the people we need to be able to win competitiv­e elections,” Meijer said.

Though the ascendance of the right in the party became starkly clear in the last year, there have been other signs of the direction Republican­s were heading.

In 2012, outspoken social conservati­ve state Rep. David Agema surprised party regulars by ousting longtime establishm­ent Republican Saul Anuzis as national committeem­an.

Former Gov. Rick Snyder, Gateway Inc.’s former CEO, fit the change theme of 2010, but his moves to tax pensions, expand Medicaid under the 2010 federal health care law and spend $617 million to bring Detroit out of bankruptcy drew a backlash.

Snyder, who campaigned against partisansh­ip, all but ignored the political spadework of building the party as his predecesso­rs had done. The resulting vacuum provided a stage for figures such as Maddock to seize.

“Forces of nature take over at that point, and those forces were definitely tilting right, extreme far-right,” said Venable, who was state Republican Party chief of staff in 2010.

The void ceded space to right-wing extremism and allowed a relationsh­ip with Republican leaders and Michigan’s long-active militia to develop.

 ?? DAVID GOLDMAN — THE ASSOCIATED PRESS FILE ?? The phrase “Count Every Vote” is displayed on a large screen organized by an advocacy group in front of the State Capitol while election results in several states had yet to be finalized in Lansing, Mich.
DAVID GOLDMAN — THE ASSOCIATED PRESS FILE The phrase “Count Every Vote” is displayed on a large screen organized by an advocacy group in front of the State Capitol while election results in several states had yet to be finalized in Lansing, Mich.

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