Marin Independent Journal

Acceptance of others will allow us to live in peace

- — Dennis Kostecki, Sausalito

Our country was establishe­d with the genocide of Native Americans and the enslavemen­t of Black Americans.

The individual with racist beliefs views the world in ways that support one ideology and, coincident­ally, an insecure self. This insecure self feels more powerful and unites with others who share similar beliefs. Racism is best understood as a result of self-centeredne­ss that leads to fear, anxiety and paranoia about other racial groups.

Mental health problems of racists are evidenced by lack of empathy, feelings of insecurity and feelings of being threatened. This type of person develops hostility toward other racial groups and devalues those groups based on the incorrect assumption of the superiorit­y of one racial group.

Personalit­y disorders such as narcissism and antisocial behavior, as well as other mental health conditions, may result from racist beliefs and actions. On a more subtle level, sexism and homophobia also exists within the being of the self-centered, racist individual.

The disturbing images of radical hate groups we’ve been witnessing lately are eerily reminiscen­t of early 20th century Nazi Germany. To combat the racist mobs forming in America today, it seems to me that the education of children at a young age regarding prejudiced beliefs is paramount. The more we fight against racism and teach acceptance of others, the sooner people of all races and religions can live in peace with one another.

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