Marin Independent Journal

Alaska Sen. Murkowski to run in 2022; Trump backs rival

- By Becky Bohrer

JUNEAU, ALASKA >> Republican Sen. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska announced Friday she will run for reelection in 2022, setting up a race against a primary challenger endorsed by former President Donald Trump.

Playing up her centrist bona fides, Murkowski said in a campaign video that she would work across party lines to help Alaska and “stand up to any politician or special interest that threatens our way of life.” Trump has vowed revenge against Murkowski and other Republican lawmakers who supported his impeachmen­t over the Jan. 6 insurrecti­on. Murkowski told reporters in Anchorage on Friday there will be “plenty of people on the outside who will be gunning for me, who will suggest that I am not right for Alaskans. I would put that directly to the people of this state.”

“It’s very easy to get distracted by people on the outside. It’s very easy to get distracted by those who would say they’re going to do something,” she said later. “My focus needs to be on the people of Alaska, serving them and asking for their permission for continued service.”

Murkowski is the only Republican senator who voted to convict Trump at his impeachmen­t trial to face reelection next year. The race will be closely watched nationally as an indicator of Trump’s lasting influence with GOP voters after his 2020 election defeat and will show whether Republican­s remain willing to punish lawmakers who they believe have been disloyal to the former president.

In addition to her impeachmen­t vote, Murkowski called for Trump’s resignatio­n after the Jan. 6 Capitol insurrecti­on, in which hundreds of his supporters stormed the building in an attempt to stop the certificat­ion of President Joe Biden’s election victory. Trump has since said people charged in the attack were being “persecuted so unfairly.”

Murkowski, 64, had been coy about her reelection plans to this point even as she had been raising money. So far, she has outraised her Trump-backed opponent Kelly Tshibaka, according to fundraisin­g reports.

She said Friday that campaigns are “too darn long” and she figured announcing about a year out from the general election was “plenty of time.”

Murkowski’s announceme­nt came days after she touted the passage of a massive federal infrastruc­ture package that she called consequent­ial for growing the economy and jobs. She was among 19 Republican senators who joined all the Democrats in backing the $1 trillion bipartisan infrastruc­ture bill.

“Those who are pushing back and saying that a Republican cannot support this measure have not looked at what this legislatio­n is going to do for this country,” she said Wednesday.

Murkowski has been in the Senate since 2002, when her father, Frank, selected her to finish his unexpired term after he was elected governor. A Murkowski has represente­d Alaska in the Senate since 1981.

Tshibaka, who has sought to cast Murkowski as an “enabler” of Biden’s administra­tion, said Friday that it was “now official that Lisa Murkowski won’t relinquish the Senate seat her father appointed her to 20 years ago, but it’s just as clear that Alaskans are fed up with her.”

“It’s time for new conservati­ve leaders with courage and common sense to lead our nation forward, and I stand ready to step into that responsibi­lity,” Tshibaka said.

ASSOCIATED PRESS FILE ?? Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, walks to the chamber at the Capitol in Washington on Thursday.
J. SCOTT APPLEWHITE — THE ASSOCIATED PRESS FILE Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, walks to the chamber at the Capitol in Washington on Thursday.

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