Marin Independent Journal

Students explore craft of planning for housing

- By Keri Brenner

After months of training, seventh-graders at Ross School have created planning maps for the vacant Sonoma Developmen­t Center property — once one of the largest treatment centers for people with developmen­tal disabiliti­es in the state.

“It's been really helpful that it's an actual real-world problem that is in action and currently happening,” said Chip Sutro, 13, one of six students selected to present their plans for the 1,640-acre state property to environmen­tal leaders in Sonoma County.

Olivia Shekov, 13, another student, said the project “has definitely made me more open to suggesting things that might make a change in our community — or even the world.”

The students were tasked with creating a sustainabl­e, eco-conscious, affordable housing scenario for the property. Sonoma Developmen­t Center, which closed in 2018, was once the top employer in Sonoma County, said Blake Schmidt, seventh-grade math and science teacher at Ross School.

“It's turned into an incredible project,” said Schmidt, who began making connection­s for the undertakin­g last summer. “I've never, in my time as a teacher, done a project as it was unfolding in real time.”

The property, which is between Glen Ellen and Eldridge, was shuttered as the care for developmen­tally disabled patients moved away from residentia­l treatment to other types of services, Schmidt said. The state has asked Sonoma County to come up with a developmen­t plan that incorporat­es affordable housing while still preserving the property's wildlife corridor.

The county has already developed three alternativ­e proposals, but the Ross School students

decided to create their own plans, Schmidt said.

“The three alternativ­es all looked pretty much the same,” Schmidt said. “That opened the door for our students to say, let's think outside the box.”

Starting last fall, Schmidt's seventh-grade classes began the first of five levels of computer training in the use of GIS, or geographic­al informatio­n systems. They learned how to use GIS to make “story maps,” which combine words, photos and maps to tell a story on a particular subject.

They also had three weeks' training in subjects such as wildlife corridors, population­s and genetics.

The students each created a personal story map, showing where they came from and how they arrived at this point. Then all 39 students split into teams of three to create story maps for the Sonoma Developmen­t Center proposals.

Earlier this year, parents and staff reviewed all the team proposals and voted for their favorites. The two winning teams were the Three Musketeers, with Olivia, Bella Garbo and Sahara Elkhoury; and the Desert Roses, with Chip, Josephine Perlov and Jack Hilleboe.

The finalists presented their story maps this month to Joseph Kinyon, GIS manager at Sonoma Land Trust. The organizati­on is one of the groups submitting ideas to Sonoma County officials about how the property should be repurposed.

“Having new ideas is fantastic,” Kinyon said after the presentati­ons. He said he was impressed with how the students were able to “synthesize” skills in mapping, spatial thinking and computers to come up with their proposals.

“These are the kind of skills that are critical to our conservati­on future,” Kinyon said. “This is what is needed — collaborat­ion and personal voices.”

Both student proposals include preserving the wildlife corridor. Where they differ the most is in the type of housing they recommend.

The Desert Roses advocated a mix of 375 residences of undergroun­d housing, duplexes and detached homes over 27 acres. Of those, 125 would be priced below-market.

“We are hoping to preserve as much natural area as we can, while still making a profit,” said Josephine, 13. “We want to make sure there is equal opportunit­ies for housing for all.”

The Three Musketeers have proposed an “eco-village,” said Bella, 12. “Along with that, we would have other affordable housing.”

The students said they were gratified to make a realworld contributi­on — and to reap some personal benefits as well.

“This project has really opened up my ability to work with other people,” said Jack, 13. “And I really like how we're making a change by putting our voice forward in the world to solve real-world problems.”

Olivia said she enjoyed the project so much she has entered a statewide competitio­n “to do this again,” she said.

Chip also said he wants to do more of the same.

“I think it has made me realize that I kind of want to be an architect, designing stuff,” he said. “It's kind of made me realize that I really like to do that.”

Sahara, 13, said the project “has really helped me with teamwork and being open to new ideas.”

“And also the fact that your first idea isn't always your final — and being open to new ideas and revising your original plans,” she said.

 ?? ALAN DEP — MARIN INDEPENDEN­T JOURNAL ?? Ross School students Jack Hilleboe, left, Chip Sutro and Josephine Perlov confer with teacher Blake Schmidt this month about their land use proposal for a 1,640-acre site in Sonoma County.
ALAN DEP — MARIN INDEPENDEN­T JOURNAL Ross School students Jack Hilleboe, left, Chip Sutro and Josephine Perlov confer with teacher Blake Schmidt this month about their land use proposal for a 1,640-acre site in Sonoma County.
 ?? ALAN DEP — MARIN INDEPENDEN­T JOURNAL ?? A Ross School student works on revisions to a land use proposal for a property in Sonoma County this month as part of a school project.
ALAN DEP — MARIN INDEPENDEN­T JOURNAL A Ross School student works on revisions to a land use proposal for a property in Sonoma County this month as part of a school project.

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