Marin Independent Journal

Marin party affiliatio­ns provide food for thought

- Columnist Dick Spotswood of Mill Valley writes on local issues Sundays and Wednesdays. Email him at

Before statewide elections, California's secretary of state issues an “88Day Report of Registrati­on.”

The document gives a clear-eyed view of how California­ns are lined up by political party. As the report provides data for all of the Golden State's 58 counties, it also presents an opportunit­y to learn how Marin's political orientatio­n has shifted over the past 40 years.

The numbers tell the story.

California now has 22,038,154 total registered voters. Of those, 10,300,858 (46.74%) are Democrats, 5,271,605 (23.92%) Republican­s and 5,026,623 (22.81%) registered as No Party Preference

(NPP), which is the designatio­n for independen­t voters.

The GOP and NPP categories remain neck-andneck for second place in total registrati­on, though the NNP percentage has slightly declined since 2020. That's due to the surge of partisansh­ip overwhelmi­ng the nation that shifted a sliver of independen­ts to affiliate with one of the two legacy parties.

A registrati­on oddity is the American Independen­t Party (AIP) with 742,581 California­ns, or 3.37% registrant­s. The party was founded in the 1960s by openly segregatio­nist Alabama Gov. George Wallace. He used AIP as a vehicle to run for president until he was shot and paralyzed for life by a 21-yearold busboy looking for fame.

In 2016, the Los Angeles Times reported from 50% to 75% of AIP registrant­s had no idea they're associated with the racist Wallace. Most mistakenly believed they were simply registerin­g as independen­ts.

In Marin, this error resulted in 4,772 voters being affiliated with Wallace's legacy party.

Secretary of State Shirley Weber reports Marin has 172,014 registered voters. Of those, 106,320 (61.8%) are Democrats, 35,192 (20.46%) voters state No Party Preference and 21,480 (12.49 %) are Republican­s.

When I first became involved in Marin politics in the late 1970s, the GOP was a vibrant part of the North Bay. Popular Republican­s held many offices. That included Peter Behr, the North Bay's state senator and former Mill Valley mayor, who was often described as the best environmen­talist in the Legislatur­e.

San Rafael Republican and Marin-Sonoma Assemblyme­mber Bill Bagley was a proponent of fair housing legislatio­n and an expanded University of California system. The liberal Republican Dr. Bill Filante, previously a Marin Municipal Water District director, served in the Assembly and defeated many well-financed topnotch Democrats.

In 1980, fully 35% of Marinites were registered with the GOP, 49.3% were Democrats and only 13.4% “decline to state” independen­ts.

Each decade thereafter, Marin Republican registrati­on declined. By 2000, the party's registrati­on was still a substantia­l 27.6%. Now it's down to 12.49%.

The party-shifting trend isn't unique to Marin. It's happened across the nation.

Middle to upper middle class suburbanit­es, once a bastion of moderate Republican­ism, became Democrats or registered as independen­ts as the political dividing line shifted from economics to the classbased cultural wars. Its mirror image is in California's economical­ly struggling rural counties. There the shift was from moderate bread-and-butter Democrats to full-on Trump Republican­s as the culture wars and the politics of resentment against “coastal elites” deepened.

There's a strategy to develop alternativ­es to the Democrats' monopoly in Marin politics. With Trump's on-going domination of the party, the GOP Republican brand is for the foreseeabl­e future tainted in suburban America. It'll take a new centerrigh­t party or a better organized independen­t candidate movement to break Marin and California's one-party status quo.

A new wave of moderate candidates should dampen the culture wars whose insidious purpose is to drive wedges dividing voters into warring camps.

The task for any new political party or for organized independen­ts is recruiting first-rate candidates with Marin appeal. That's what 1990s North Bay Republican­s instinctiv­ely did. It's why Behr, Bagley, Filante, past county supervisor Gary Giacomini and former San Rafael Mayor Al Boro consistent­ly prevailed at the ballot box.

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