Marin Independent Journal

Spanish general election tipped to put the far right back in office for 1st time since Franco


MADRID >> Voters in Spain go to the polls Sunday in an election that could make the country the latest European Union member to swing to the populist right, a shift that would represent a major upheaval after five years under a left-wing government.

Here's what you need to know about the vote.

What is at stake?

Opinion polls indicate the political right has the edge going into the election, and that raises the possibilit­y a neo-fascist party will be part of Spain's next government. The extreme right has not been in power in Spain since the transition to democracy following the death of former dictator Francisco Franco in 1975.

With no party expected to win an absolute majority, the choice for voters is basically between another leftist governing coalition or one between the right and the far right.

The right-of-center Popular Party, the front-runner in the polls, and the extreme right Vox party are on one side. They portray the vote as a chance to end “Sanchismo” — a term the PP uses to sum up what it contends are the dictatoria­l ways of Socialist Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez, the left's radical ideology and numerous lies by the government.

In the other corner are the Socialists and a new movement called Sumar that brings together 15 small leftist parties for the first time. They warn that putting the right in power will threaten Spain's postFranco changes.

Why were early elections called?

Socialist Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez called the early election a day after his Spanish Socialist Workers' Party and its small farleft coalition partner, Unidas Podemos (United We Can), took a hammering in local and regional elections May 28.

Prior to that, Sánchez had insisted he would ride out his four-year term, indicating that an election would be held in December. But after the May defeat, he said it was only fair for Spaniards to decide the country's political future without delay.

What happened since May 28?

The Popular Party emerged from the local and regional elections as the most-voted party by far, giving it the right to take office in all but a handful of towns and one or two regions.

Since then, the PP and Vox have agreed to govern together in some 140 cities and towns as well as to add two more regions to the one where they already co-governed.

The Socialists and other leftist parties lost political clout across the country, but after weathering the initial shock, they have regrouped and recovered some ground, leaving the vote outcome Sunday still an unknown.

What does it mean for Europe?

A PP-Vox government would mean another EU member has moved firmly to the right, a trend seen recently in Sweden, Finland and Italy. Countries such as Germany and France are concerned by what such a shift would portend for EU immigratio­n and climate policies.

Spain's two main leftist parties are pro-EU participat­ion. On the right, the PP is also in favor of the EU, but Vox is not.

The election comes as Spain holds the EU's rotating presidency Sánchez had hoped to use the six-month term to showcase the advances his government had made. An election defeat for Sánchez could see the PP taking over the EU presidency reins.

What are the campaign themes?

The campaign has been dominated by mudslingin­g from all sides, with both the left and right accusing each other of lying about their policies and past records.

The PP has managed to put Sánchez's honorabili­ty in question by highlighti­ng the many U-turns he has made and his alliances with small regional secessioni­st parties, something that alienates even some left-wing voters.

The left has sought to convince voters that there is little difference between the two right-wing parties and that a victory for them would set Spain back decades in terms of social progress.

Nearly every poll has put the PP firmly ahead of the Socialists and Vox ahead of Sumar for third place. But 30% of the electorate is said to be undecided.

With the election taking place at the height of summer, millions of citizens are likely to be vacationin­g away from their regular polling places. But postal voting requests have soared, and officials are estimating a 70% election turnout.

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