Southern Maryland News

District 5 congressio­nal candidates discuss issues


Both the Republican and Libertaria­n candidates vying for the District 5 congressio­nal seat met at the St. John Vianney Family Life Center in Prince Frederick last week to discuss issues like funding for infra- structure, collaborat­ing with others in Congress and unifying the countr y.

The Oct. 18 forum, hosted by the League of Woman Voters of Calvert County, gave candidates an opportunit­y to meet with constituen­ts and answer various questions.

Republican candidate Mark Arness and Liber- tarian candidate Jason Summers were in at- tendance for the forum, with incumbent Steny Hoyer (D-Md., 5th) absent. Each candidate was given one minute to respond to questions from moderator Dixie Miller and the audience.

Candidates were first asked what sources of revenue could be developed to fix failing infrastruc­ture.

Summers answered first, stating the infrastruc­ture should be fixed by the people who will benefit from it the most. He said private industries should provide

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