Marysville Appeal-Democrat

Re: Three states


I have been asked this question, “What is going on? There are so many in line to change California.” Yes, let me mention 3 (three). There is the Three State Initiative. The New California Plan. The State of Jefferson movement.

The Three State Initiative does not address the real problem and that is representa­tion for our rural counties.

New California has 40 (forty) counties that are going through Article IV, section 3 of the US Constituti­on.

State of Jefferson is going through Article 4, section 4 of the US Constituti­on which guarantees the states a republican form of government. It is very obvious we in northern California do not have that any more. Our liberties are gone. You are one of 931,340 constituen­ts for your State Senator and one of 465,00 persons represente­d by your State Assemblyma­n. So there you go. How can you ever be heard? This is not representa­tion.

It is suppose to work by growing the representa­tion along with the growth of the population.

In 1862 it was capped when California had 444,000 population. Now we have 40 million and we have the same number of representa­tives. This is not representa­tion.

Our law suit, Citizens for Fair Representa­tion (CFR) VS Alex Padilla is for “lack of representa­tion and the dilution of votes”. not for statehood at this time. I hope this has helped you see the difference between these 3 (three) entities. If you have questions go to soj51. org and their websites. Know the facts.

Doris Mitchell

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