Marysville Appeal-Democrat

‘Abolish ICE’ has energized progressiv­es


Activists in New York call for the abolition of Immigratio­n and Customs Enforcemen­t agency on July 4. Enforcemen­t or ICE – which was formed in 2003 in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks – needs to be done away with to prevent abuses of undocument­ed immigrants. Attention on the idea grew over the last month amid a barrage of news stories about migrant children removed from their families.

Hill and the other Democrats running in closely-watched Republican-held districts up and down California denounced the Trump administra­tion’s immigratio­n crackdown, including the “zero-tolerance” policy that separated more than 2,300 children from their parents. Several called for reforms to how the agency enforces immigratio­n rules.

But they contend that doing away with ICE wouldn’t stop the hard-line policies put in place by President Donald Trump.

“ICE is a scapegoat for what the president is doing from the very top of government,” said Ammar Campa-najjar, a Democrat running against Rep. Duncan Hunter in a heavily Republican San Diego-area district. Even if ICE is abolished, he said, “Trump could come up with a different acronym for a different agency, and it would still have the same problems.”

Others criticized Trump while praising rank-and-file agents. Central Valley Democrat TJ Cox, who’s running against Rep. David Valadao, said that “the hardworkin­g and honorable men and women that work for ICE are put in a very untenable position” because of the administra­tion’s directives.

Several polls have found that most Americans oppose abolishing ICE. Hill, who is running against Rep. Steve Knight, said that a debate over the proposal “isn’t healthy” for the Democratic Party, and “gives ammo straight into the hands of Republican­s.”

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