Marysville Appeal-Democrat

126 dead in landslide at Myanmar jade mine


PHNOM PENH, Cambodia – A landslide at a jade mine in northern Myanmar has killed at least 126 people, emergency services said, the worst accident in years to hit an area notorious for unsafe mining conditions.

The landslide struck on Thursday morning at about 7:30 am (0100 GMT), said Khin Maung Myint, who represents the Hpakant township for the governing National League for Democracy (NLD) party.

“The bodies are being taken to the mortuary,” he told dpa.

The victims were scavenging for jade at the open-cast mine in Wai Khar village when they were hit by a wave of mud that rescue services blamed on heavy monsoon rain.

It is the deadliest accident in Hpakant in Myanmar’s restive Kachin state since a landslide there in 2015 killed 115 people.

Landslides in 2019 killed 58 people in the region and 95 the year before, according to figures compiled from local media reports by openjadeda­

Many migrant workers in Hpakant earn money by picking through huge mounds of discarded mining debris in the hope of finding overlooked pieces of jade.

David Mathieson, an independen­t analyst covering Myanmar, said the NLD party has done little to improve dangerous conditions for miners since coming to power five years ago after decades of military rule.

“I think the welfare of jade miners is the least of the NLD’S concerns,” he told dpa, “they have evinced little interest in improving safety across the board in the mining sector, especially in a place like Hpakant.”

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