Marysville Appeal-Democrat

Faith communitie­s have the power to get more Americans vaccinated

- By Kraig Beyerlein, Jason Klocek and Grace Scartz Chicago Tribune (TNS)

With the colder weather, Americans are spending more time together indoors, including with family and friends to celebrate the holidays. Are they safe doing so? Currently, more than 30% of Americans remain completely unvaccinat­ed, and COVID-19 cases are surging again in many states, increasing the risks of indoor gatherings even for those vaccinated. The looming threat of the new omicron variant makes it all the more important that we stamp out opposition to vaccinatio­n now.

Many point the finger at faith communitie­s for why inoculatio­n rates aren’t higher in the United States — and certain concerns about religious congregati­ons’ threat to public health are well-founded. After all, churches served as major transmissi­on sites early in the pandemic. A number of pastors also publicly and persistent­ly condemn wearing masks. And plenty of evangelica­l Christians continue to rally behind the anti-vax cause.

But faith communitie­s also hold the potential to be one of our most powerful forces for good in the fight to overcome vaccine hesitancy.

Some prominent faith leaders and organizati­ons have already spoken out encouragin­g vaccinatio­n on religious grounds. For example, Presiding Bishop Michael Curry of the Episcopal Church has promoted vaccinatio­n as a way to fulfill the biblical mandate of “loving your neighbor as yourself.” However, faith communitie­s could do — and need to do — so much more.

In late May, we surveyed a representa­tive sample of 2,500 American adults about religion, vaccinatio­n and mask-wearing opinions and behaviors. We found that two-thirds of those who are part of a congregati­on received messaging of some kind encouragin­g vaccinatio­n from their leaders or fellow members. And, surprising­ly, only 5% of congregant­s heard solely negative messages about vaccines.

At the same time, however, faith communitie­s are not a panacea. Of those who received at least some encouragin­g messaging, more than half also heard an accompanyi­ng negative message about vaccinatio­n. And nearly one-third of congregant­s surveyed received no messaging whatsoever, at a time when over 60% of Americans were not fully vaccinated.

Given that millions of adults attend church services during any week, no other sector of civil society today rivals this level of exposure. Coupled with the generally high level of trust in faith communitie­s on matters of public health, imagine what would happen to vaccinatio­n rates if the majority of congregati­on-based networks offered uniform messages of encouragem­ent.

The mixed messaging we observed is representa­tive of the opposing perspectiv­es shaping U.S. public health strategies toward COVID-19. At this moment of political polarizati­on, conservati­ve congregati­ons are generally seen as a lost cause in the fight to increase vaccinatio­n rates. By contrast, progressiv­e faith communitie­s are believed to be consistent­ly strong advocates of inoculatio­n.

But our study demonstrat­es that neither of those perspectiv­es is entirely true. No matter where they fall on the political spectrum, only a minority of American adults who are part of congregati­ons are exposed to uniform messages from leaders and fellow members encouragin­g or discouragi­ng vaccinatio­n.

Instead, our data suggests that it is the consistenc­y of messaging, not the particular type of congregati­on to which one belongs, that is critical for understand­ing individual­s’ decisions about vaccinatio­n. Nearly 90% of congregant­s who heard all encouragin­g messages are vaccinated or committed to doing so, while roughly half of the congregant­s hearing all discouragi­ng messages refuse to get vaccinated.

While these patterns might reflect a range of processes, including selfsortin­g into religious groups sharing similar beliefs, they point to the potential power of faith communitie­s’ messaging in the battle against vaccine hesitancy. Case in point is the recent uptick in the vaccinatio­n rates of Black Protestant­s, many of whom belonged to congregati­on-based networks broadcasti­ng only encouragin­g messages at the time of our survey.

The benefits of such gains are not limited to people who are part of congregati­ons. As more and more people are vaccinated in faith communitie­s, the risk for everyone goes down.

But uniform messaging encouragin­g vaccinatio­n is not the current reality in American society or American faith communitie­s. Our research shows that most congregati­ons — whether they be progressiv­e or conservati­ve — are still struggling with the vaccine question.

The theologica­l positions of the major faith traditions do not prohibit vaccinatio­n, a point Dr. Anthony

Fauci and other public health officials have recently emphasized. So, if not these formal tenets, what is stopping more congregati­ons from spreading encouragin­g messages about vaccinatio­n? Political pressure is one obvious factor, but too much is on the line for faith communitie­s to continue to succumb to partisan politics. Like it or not, congregati­ons across the nation occupy a unique position concerning our collective protection against COVID-19.

The time for faith communitie­s to reach a clear and unconteste­d commitment to vaccinatio­n is now, as winter is coming.

Kraig Beyerlein is an associate sociology professor and director of the Center for the Study of Religion and Society at the University of Notre Dame. Jason Klocek, an assistant professor at the University of Nottingham, was a postdoctor­al research fellow at the Center for the Study of Religion and Society. Grace Scartz, a Notre Dame undergradu­ate student, does research for the center.

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