Marysville Appeal-Democrat

Is the latecomer COVID vaccine worth the wait?

- By Amy Maxmen KFF Health News

Erin Kissane, a cofounder of the COVID Tracking Project, rolled up her sleeve for the Novavax COVID-19 vaccine in mid-october soon after it was finally recommende­d in the United States.

Like many people with autoimmune diseases, she wants to protect herself from a potentiall­y devastatin­g COVID infection.

Kissane’s autoimmune arthritis seems to make her susceptibl­e to unusual vaccine side effects. After getting an MRNA booster last year, her joints ached so painfully that her doctor prescribed steroids to dampen the inflammati­on. She still considers the MRNA vaccines “miraculous,” knowing COVID could be far worse than temporary aches.

Nonetheles­s, when the pain subsided, she pored through studies on Novavax’s shot, a vaccine that is based on proteins rather than MRNA and has been used since early 2022 in other countries. Data from the United Kingdom found that people more frequently reported temporary reactions — like low fevers, fatigue, and pain — as their immune system ramped up in the days following booster vaccinatio­n with Moderna’s MRNA vaccine versus the one by Pfizer. And those boosted with Novavax’s had fewer complaints than either of those. That finding was corroborat­ed in an analysis of internatio­nal data published last year.

Such studies have driven people with long COVID and chronic fatigue syndrome (also known as myalgic encephalom­yelitis, or ME/ CFS) to seek out Novavax, too, since the FDA and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention greenlight­ed Novavax’s vaccine — updated to protect against recent omicron coronaviru­s variants — about three weeks after recommendi­ng updated MRNA vaccines in September.

Waiting paid off for Kissane, whose arm was briefly sore. “It was a dramatical­ly different experience for me,” she said. “I hope that plays out for others.”

Another group who waited on Novavax are biologists who geek out over its technology. When asked why he opted for Novavax, Florian Krammer, a virologist at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, replied on X, formerly known as Twitter:

“Because I am [a] vaccine nerd, I like insect cell produced vaccines.”

Whereas MRNA vaccines direct the body to produce spike proteins from the coronaviru­s SARS-COV-2, which then train a person’s immune system to recognize and fight the virus, Novavax simply injects the proteins. These proteins are grown within moth cells in a laboratory, while other protein-based shots use cells from mammals. And Novavax has said that a special ingredient derived from the bark of Chilean soapbark trees enhances the vaccine’s power.

Research suggests that the Novavax vaccine is about as safe and effective as the MRNA shots.

Its main disadvanta­ge is arriving late to the scene. Vaccine uptake has plummeted since the first shots became widely available in 2021. Nearly 70% of people got the primary vaccines, compared with fewer than 20% opting for the MRNA

COVID boosters released last year. Numbers have dwindled further: As of Oct. 17, only 5% of people in the United States had gotten the latest COVID vaccines, according to the Department of Health and Human Services.

Daniel Park, an epidemiolo­gist at George Washington University, said low rates might improve if people who felt lousy after their last MRNA shots gave Novavax a try. It protects against severe illness, but researcher­s struggle to specify just how effective this and other vaccines are, at this point, because studies have gotten tricky to conduct: New coronaviru­s variants continuous­ly emerge, and people have fluctuatin­g levels of immunity from previous vaccines and infections.

Still, a recent study in Italy suggests that Novavax is comparable to MRNA vaccines. It remained more than 50% effective at preventing symptomati­c COVID four months after vaccinatio­n. Some data suggests that mixing and matching different types of vaccines confers stronger protection — although other studies have found no benefit.

Given all this, Park held out for the Novavax vaccine on account of its potentiall­y milder side effects. “Between a demanding full-time job and two young kids at home, I wanted to stay operationa­l,” he said. His arm was sore, but he didn’t have the 24-hour malaise accompanyi­ng his last MRNA shot.

Most people don’t strike a fever after MRNA shots. Even when they do, it is brief and therefore far less detrimenta­l than many cases of COVID. In fact, most reactions are so minor that they’re hard to interpret. During clinical trials on MRNA vaccines, for example, up to a third of people in the placebo group reported fatigue and headaches after injection.

People with ME/CFS and long COVID — a potentiall­y debilitati­ng condition that persists months after a COVID infection — have responded to COVID vaccinatio­ns in a wide variety of ways. Most participan­ts with long COVID in an 83-person Canadian study said their levels of fatigue, concentrat­ion, and shortness of breath improved following vaccinatio­n. Inflammato­ry proteins that have been linked to long COVID dropped as well.

However, larger studies have yet to corroborat­e the hopeful finding. Jennifer Curtin, a doctor who cofounded a telehealth clinic focused on long COVID and ME/CFS, called RTHM, said vaccines seem to temporaril­y aggravate some patients’ conditions. To learn how Novavax compares, she posted polls on X in late October asking if people with long COVID or ME/CFS felt that their symptoms worsened, improved, or stayed the same after Novavax. Most replied: unchanged.

“It’s not scientific, but we need to figure it out since these folks don’t want to get COVID,” Curtin said. “My patients are all wondering about what vaccine to get right now.”

(KFF Health News, formerly known as Kaiser Health News (KHN), is a national newsroom that produces in-depth journalism about health issues and is one of the core operating programs of KFF — the independen­t source for health policy research, polling and journalism.)

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