McDonald County Press

Simmons Foods To Help With Lake

- Megan Davis McDonald County Press

Mayor Joe Carpenter began the April 28 Southwest City Council meeting by unveiling the party he spoke with recently about the lake. He said Todd Simmons, of Simmons Food was very receptive and suggested contacting the Walton Family Foundation as well. Carpenter hopes to eventually maintain bacterial growth within the lake using natural organisms as well as installing a mechanism that would allow the city to control water levels without draining the lake completely.

David Blake then spoke about the dam. He said that one day he would like to extend the dam a few feet on each side and suggested blowing in concrete to do so.

Carpenter noted that as a long-term goal he would like to possibly put a bridge across the dam to lessen the traffic across it during big events like the Third of July celebratio­n.



Shane Clark, public works director, reported the water department has repaired another leak on the south side of town. Jim Bob McGhee is scheduled for water school from May 11-15. Clark also noted that Jackie Coatney is scheduled for wastewater school from May 4-8 and sludge hauling is set for May 5-6. The street department has been busy mowing as well as continuing to clear brush from the creek. They are preparing to patch the streets and repair pot holes, beginning with Liberty Street.

New Business

Teri Thorpe, city clerk, spoke about the Senior Center’s two certificat­es of deposit. She provided the council with the amount in each account as well as what it would cost to cash out each C.D. The council voted not to cash out either C.D. until absolutely necessary and to receive a report covering expenses and expenditur­es every month.

Thorpe then discussed 911 mapping and the registrati­on fee. She explained that the data compiled is very useful and includes official addresses, proper record informatio­n, as well as unlimited printing of land plots. Although previously a free service, it now cost $100.

The council voted to pay the $100 registrati­on fee.

Carpenter discussed the first annual Southwest City Fishing Derby to be held from 1 p. m. to 3 p. m. on Saturday, May 9 at Blankenshi­p Park. Children 12 and under are invited to participat­e at no cost. There will be limited “loaner” poles available, so bring your own if possible. About 300 catfish will be released into the lake prior to the event. Each child will receive a prize for their first tagged fish and there will be a prize for the “Most Tagged Fish” and more. This will be a catch and release event.

The council voted to make a $300 donation for prizes.

Bud Gow, acting police chief, asked to place No Fishing signs around the lake prior to the derby, to prevent residents catching the fish before the kids.

The council voted approve the business license of Ricky’s Tamales contingent upon proper documentat­ion from the McDonald County Health Department.

Thorpe then spoke about two cases of delinquent water bills. The first has sought assistance with payment before, but has not paid off the bill. The current balance is at $ 170. Clark noted that they replaced a water meter nearly two years ago and he has recently learned that there is water to the property, but only to the outside of the residence. Thorpe confirmed that she has not used any water but has been charged the minimum every month.

The council voted to zero her balance and to write-off her sewer and water charges until the problem can be resolved.

The next delinquent bill was created by a homeowner’s tenants. After moving out, the renters left the owner with the bill of $180. Due to ill circumstan­ces, the homeowner has not been able to pay off the sum.

The council voted to waive all late penalties from 2015 and give her 90 days to pay the remaining $140.

Blake then spoke to Clark about locating leaks in the water lines. He asked that Clark search for bids on a line locator.

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