McDonald County Press

Delicious Winter Squash A Healthy Part Of Fall Harvest


LAMAR, Mo. — In the MyPlate dietary guidelines from the United States Department of Agricultur­e (USDA), one of the key messages is to make half of your plate fruits and vegetables.

In addition, Americans are encouraged to consume a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables.

“Consuming a rainbow of produce provides many of the nutrients needed for body processes to function optimally. For example, eating red produce is good for the heart. Orange and yellow produce give the body strength to fight off colds and illness. Blue and purple produce are good for healthy aging,” said Lindsey Stevenson, nutrition and health specialist with University of Missouri Extension.

The acorn squash can make a good addition to a healthy eating pattern this fall and winter when the crop is in season.

“One cup of acorn squash is high in vitamin C, low in fat, cholestero­l, and sodium, and is a good source of fiber, potassium, and other vitamins and minerals,” said Stevenson.

Acorn squash is a member of the orange/yellow group and helps keep vision sharp, is good for heart health and immune functionin­g, and can also lower one’s risk of certain cancers.

“Acorn squash is harvested at a mature age when its skin is hard and inedible. It is always served cooked,” said Stevenson.

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