McDonald County Press

The Power Of ‘One’

- By Dr. Don Kuehle

“One man awake can waken another. The second can waken his next-door brother. The three awake can rouse a town, by turning the whole place upside down. The many awake can make such a fuss that it finally awakens the rest of us. One man up with dawn in his eyes, multiplies!” - Helen Kromer.

The Psalmist asks, “Who are we, one person among many, that You Lord God pay any attention to us?”

The Scriptures answer, “One person, under the guidance of God and by the power of God, can change the world!”

The Bible is full of people who demonstrat­e the power of “one.”

Abraham was one man, a man of faith in God. And because of his faith in God, Abraham became the “father” of nations. And because of his faithfulne­ss, the whole world has been blessed through his descendent, Jesus Christ.

Who knows what God can do with us if we trust Him and obey Him?

Joseph is known for his persistenc­e. When everything and everyone was against him, Joseph kept on believing that God would see him through. And God made Joseph the second-in-command in Egypt and, through his leadership, save millions of people from starvation.

So, when it seems like the whole world is down on us, let’s keep on believing that God will bring some good out of our situation.

Moses, one man, was prepared by God for the work God called him to do. Raised in the Egyptian royal family, Moses received the best education and the best training in military strategy. Later, in the wilderness, Moses learned the lay of the land. He was well-prepared to lead God’s people out of slavery and to the land of promise. We are never too young or too old to learn. God is, even now, preparing us for what lies ahead next month or next year. Now is a good time to learn new things and to develop new skills so that whatever we’re called to do, we will be well-prepared!

David was a young shepherd boy. When faced with the giant, Goliath, no one gave him a chance of winning. But, using the ordinary things that he had, David defeated Goliath.

Perhaps we would do well to use what we do have to overcome the “giants” in our lives. After all, we can’t use what we don’t have!

Esther was Queen of Persia. She was caught in a bind; her people were in grave danger. Yet, to enter the king’s presence without permission could mean her death.

Her uncle wisely said, “Who knows? Perhaps God has put you in this position for just this reason.”

We are often faced with difficult decisions/situations. Just maybe, God has His own reasons for putting us where we are!

Jonah, one man, was called by God to preach a message of salvation to the people of Nineveh. Jonah hated these people; he dug in his heels all the way. God, however, used Jonah in spite of himself and saved thousands of pagan people.

At times, we hear God’s call; but we don’t want to answer. Yet, God often uses us in spite of ourselves.

Jesus is the ultimate example of the power of one person! Someone wrote, “… All the armies that ever marched, all the navies that ever sailed, all the parliament­s that ever sat, all the kings that ever ruled — all of these put together have not affected the life of mankind on earth as powerfully as this one solitary life!”

We cannot do everything. We cannot solve every problem. God does not call us to do that. We are one person. Yet, one person, under the guidance of God and by the power of God, can and will change this world for good!

Let’s be that one person!

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