McDonald County Press

Noel Women’s Club Makes Charitable Donations


The November meeting of the Noel Women’s Club was called to order by President Dot. After the Pledge of Allegiance and Lord’s Prayer, roll call was taken with 10 members and one visitor present. Minutes were read and approved by Secretary Debbie. The treasurer’s report was given by Bonnie.

Thank you notes were read from Retha Mitchell and the Noel Library.

Meeting times were discussed for the winter months and members voted to move the start time of meetings from January through March to begin at 6:30. After that, the club will decide whether to continue with that schedule.

The club made the yearly donations to Crosslines and Department of Family Services. Members also brought stocking stuffers and Christmas stockings to give to DFS for the foster children of McDonald County. This is a project the club has had for many years.

Sign up sheets were passed around to sign up for hostess duties for the coming year. Also a sheet to change any personal informatio­n such as new e-mail addresses was passed around.

Club members chose a family (children) from each of the Noel schools to help with Christmas this year.

Election of new officers for 2017 took place, along with election of some new committee heads.

Members welcomed Lee Orlick as a new member. Anyone interested in attending one of Noel Women’s Club meetings should contact Dot at 417-475-5043 for informatio­n on time and dates. Members welcome those with a vision to make the community a better place.

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