McDonald County Press

Thanksgivi­ng Is About My Favorite Holiday Of The Year

- By Bill

The time change came and I am lost again. How in the heck do you ever reset your innards to know when to eat? I may have gained an hour, but my hunger hits at an hour before my close relative has dinner ready! Besides that, I get up when the sun rises most days and now I am up too early and ready to go to bed too early, too!

The Oklahoma fracking business seems to be a disturbanc­e to the whole country. I suspect I would be pleased as punch if the oil company would come to my door and beg me to let them drill or frack or whatever and make me some money. I doubt I’d ever think twice about causing earthly disorder by a little bit of drilling way out here in the middle of the country. I would move cattle, open gates and welcome with open arms the Roughnecks. Are they different than Rednecks?

Let me say, the ground did shake here on the rock pile and I was aware of it. Old Dog set up a howl and I heard Snip running around in the grass trap. I was aware of the rumble, and my close relative shot me a look that meant something like what did I do to cause that! We laughed about the deal, and yet it is not a comedy if it continues and causes damages. Enough said, can’t do a thing about it!

The old cow with a bad leg is still the old cow with a bad leg. I did haul her to the vet clinic and the doc agreed with me — she has a bad leg! He did say it was in her shoulder and that I should baby her for awhile, and he gave her a big dose of Bute to ease the pain. She is doing well, eats grain twice a day and likes to be petted! My close relative has adopted the chore and brushes the old hide as she eats in the evening. Bad deal in the making. Hard times are coming when you know you will load her up and someone will be down in the mouth for a day or two. Just part of the life of a beef producer.

I am not able to remember a November like this one. Sure enough, the grass is sorta pitiful in color but is butting heads with winter weeds! The lawn had to be mowed again and the flowers in the beds are worn out but still trying to bloom. Don’t misunderst­and: I like the warm weather and the cattle sure do good in it, but winter will hit and it could cause me to go into a coma! I dug out the heavy coat and hung it on the coat rack in the utility room a month ago. My coveralls are ready and I need new gloves. I am still wearing a straw hat around the place.

The grands reported in this weekend. The growth factor is upon them, legs are lengthy and some arms are longer than they were last week, but they are still about perfect! They hit like a bunch of hornets and swarmed the house for about 10 hours. We sure do enjoy the pleasure of a couple of pews full of family at our church — and then the table surrounded by the same for Sunday dinner. The desire for a new and high-bred horse is being discussed in hushed tones, and she thinks I don’t even know what is going on! The pink saddle is too small and Christmas is coming!

It is my opinion, and everyone has one, I believe Thanksgivi­ng is about my most favorite holiday of the year. The time of turkey is not to be taken lightly by man, and we know the reason is to take time to give thanks to our God, not the regular five minutes, but the entire day we think about our blessings. Get ready for a feast, get ready for family, prepare yourself for the pies and cakes and take seconds if you need to!

God Bless America!

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