McDonald County Press

We Must Have Courage To Fight The Fight Of Faith

- Cove Mission of Hope

I want to begin with a huge “Thank you” to all the ladies and gents who made our free breakfast and coat give-away a big success. We know that they fed lots of hungry people and gave them coats for the coming cold weather. It was quite a task, so we do not want to fail to ask God’s blessing upon each one.

Another pleasant surprise was a big bucket full of turnips waiting for us in the entryway of the church. Thanks to Sister Geneva Testerman, we all had some good old-fashioned Ozarks turnips and cornbread. Now, that is really downhome food.

As we began service, we sang “Happy Birthday” to Sister Charlene Taylor. She is a real sweetie and we love having her in our family of God.

Brother Daniel Cartwright blessed us with a very moving rendition of “Kneel at the Cross.” He is always willing to fill any spot needed, and we do appreciate him.

We were glad to have Sister Naomi’s sister, Viola, and her husband from Kansas. Also, we were so glad for all of our faithful members who are there to answer the call when needed.

Pastor Bob Cartwright opened the service with a memory of a dear saint of God who has made her journey to be with the Lord. When she passed, her son gave one of her Bibles to Pastor and in it he found a very interestin­g card. This is what it said (in my own words, because I can’t write as fast as the story rolled out.)

The title was “Have Courage,” and it listed eight types of courage needed to please God. It said that every born-again believer must measure the courage they have by a yardstick containing these eight things.

The first thing we learned was that the word courage means “the ability to discard fear and act upon what we believe.” The first rule was that we must have courage to hear gossip and refrain from taking part in the conversati­on that would hurt others.

No. 2 was to stand up for a person when they are abused and feeling alone.

No. 3 says to live honestly and within your own means so as to never be a burden to others.

No. 4 says we are to be a good man or woman who holds fast to courage, even when it’s not the popular thing to do.

No. 5 says we should remain silent when someone speaks hurtful things about us or someone we love.

By now, I am sure you can see why courage is so important in the life of a true child of God. We cannot be weak and unable to stand against the evil that is often set before us.

No. 6 says “Do not follow after the others who live in the ways of the world.” This is one that we all too often fall for. This will cause us to miss our goal, and we may never hear our Father say, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant. Enter into your everlastin­g home in heaven.” It takes a lot of courage to take a stand when others are trying to get you to take part in their sins.

No. 7 says to dress according to the instructio­n of the Word, even though it may not be the popular thing to do. Many people have forgotten what the word modest means. Live a life of example before others and lead them to the right thinking found in the Bible.

The last one is very important. When you live according to your conviction­s, you are often confronted in an unkind way and it hurts. That is when you have to search your heart and remain faithful to Jesus who gave his life for you. There are words to live by on the card found in this old Bible left by Sister Inez Coonrod. We miss her so much.

Pastor then read in the book of Genesis. Here we find that courage failed both Adam and Eve. They ate of the tree in the garden that was forbidden. It takes strong courage to say no to the things that feel so good and comfortabl­e to us. Often these are stumbling blocks and will cause us to turn away from the path we are to take. WE are not left on our own during our times of weakness. Philippian­s 4:19 reminds us that we are taken care of at all times. God says he shall supply all our needs according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus. When we accept Christ into our heart, we gain an army of angels to surround us and care for us. This message contained so much more that I cannot even begin to cover.

I just wish you would come to the Cove in Lanagan and hear the next message Pastor brings to us. It will be a real blessing. I am sure you will find a church full of loving people to welcome you.

For now, I will say, “God bless you.”

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