McDonald County Press

Anderson Elementary


First Grade

Dear Santa Claus, Hi Santa How are you doing today? Are you doing good? Are you donating presents? Is Mrs. Claus doing good Have a fun day May I have a computer. Your Friend Mackenzi Nunez

Dear Sanda Claus. How are ur reindee? Are the elves busy working? My mom nees a new frig. Your friend Chrie Bate

Dear Santa Claus How are you? Can little blue have a toy mouse?

I want a giant sized godzilla! Your friend Milen Reynolds

Dear Santa Claus How is Mrs. Claus doing? My sister wants a guitar. I want a guitar and a key board. Hope it snows. Your friend Abby Hobbs

Dear Santa Claus Is Mrs. Claus? My brother needs a remote car I need new board games for my family. Have a safe trip to Missouri.

Your friend, Ryan Tader

Dear Santa Claus, Be safe on your trip. Give mom a pillow. I want a car. I want shirt and some shorts. I am looking forward to Christmas. Your friend, Carson Misner

Dear Santa Claus, Are the reindeer ready yet? Can my dad have a jacket? Can I have a doll house? Have a good trip! Your friend Peyton Isabella Alumbaugh

Dear Santa Claus and Mrs. Claus,

How is the weather up there? Cold? How much presents did you deliver? Merry

Christmas Santa! I love you Your friend Landon Hetherton

Dear Santa Claus, How are you? I would like a baby cow. My mom would like a new frig. My dad would like a shotgun. I hope you have a good trip. Your friend, Jackson Kilby

Dear Santa Claus, How are you doing? And how is Mrs. Claus doing? I want a lot of presents. I hope it snows. Can’t wait for Caristmas! Your friend, Elena Garza

Dear Santa Claus Helow Santa Claus I want a baby crib My friend needs new clothes.

I want as swimsuit. How are you doing Your friend

Dear Santa Clows, How are the elves? Santa can I have a baby doll

for Myla wraped in prinsess papr Can I hav XS colig nolebol Costoms ad ho, ho, ho, hava mare Crismas

How are you Santa? I want legos please This is for some body els please get them Legos. Tell Miss Claus I said Hi. your friend Remington Platter

How are the reindeer doing? I would like 2 gold fish please. Jackson would like a dirt bike please. I dont want a war again please. your friend, Karson Toney

How are you? I would like a tent please and a fone I would give my friend a Barbie dol and a tent to I will give you cookies. Your friend, Bentli Prins

Dear Santa, I want a doll for fofe How fast dos your slay go? and I would like an x box your friend, Esteban Hernandez

Deer Santa Haw are the reindeer I wunt toys I wunt x games I wunt play-doh for my sister Mere Crismus Santa your friend Eddie

Dear Santa How is Rudolph? I want you to bring me a dump truck for Christ mas I hope my brother gets a car for Christmas. your friend David Rubi

Dear Santa, I would like a jewerly makr for Jane please. and a megue nerf gun for Bradley please. And Sam minions for James please. your friend, Mackenzie Whipkey

Dear Santa How is the reindeer? I want a skatebaord that can skate on rocks plase. I wunt some skates please. I wish that war is never again Your friend, Colton Pueker

Dear Santa How is Rudolph? can I please have a toy car? Santa can I ride in your slay? your friend Ethan Tosh

Dear Santa How is Rudolph and Mrs Calus and the elves? I would like a dirtbike. I would like a frind Elf and anreindeer pictare. Your friend, Colton Johnson

Dear Santa How are you doing? I want an American doll I want peace for my family Your friend Jaiden Keith

Dear Santa How are the reindeer? I would like a new house please. I want mom to not be sick. I don’t want my dad to leve. I love you You friend, Aileah Hernandez

Dear Santa How is Mrs. Caus? I would like a fone. I would like other peple to have presints too I want to fiting. You are cool! your frind Jessi Tucker

Dear Santa, How is Rudolph? I want a gun please. I wish everybody had a home. I also want a four weeler please. I wish everybody had food. I wish I cud meet the reindeer sum day. Your friend, Tucker Kline

Dear Santa, Do you like cold or hot milk? I would like a big lego set. I dont care wich one you get please. I would like a hitch please and a big chocolate bar for Tacker, Your friend Jacob Elwood

Dear Santa, how are you doing? I want a new playhouse plese and a new cat pleuse. Jesse wants a tato plese. I wants animal plese. Jesse wants a new backpack. your friend Lacie

Dear Santa How are the reindeers? I want a horse please. I would like Benli to have boot highheels. I will leave you cookes. your friend, Kelcey Martinez

Dear Santa How are the reindeer? I want a toy car and a truck. I want a house please. I want houses for my friends please. your friend Caleb Ms. Shelley’s First Grade

Deas Santa How are your reindeer? I have been good at home. Could I please have for Christmas a Laura Numeroff books? Love, Kyler Willis

Daer Santa How are you doing? I have been good at home. Could I please have for Christmas lots of books. I would lik a toy. I love you Santa. Love, Dawson Curtis

Dear Santa, How are you? I have been good. I want Jadb to be my friend. Love, Gabriel Martin

Dear Santa, Will you give me a Santa Akshinfigr. dogy that is named Zak. I wunt sumr! I wunt a big blune Love, Braxton Lewis

Dear Snta: How are you doing? I am a good student. Could I have a toy dog? I lov you. Love, Peyton Patterson

Dear Santa How is Mrs. Claus? I’m not on the naughty list. I wold like Karokie. Love, Joel Garcia

Dear Santa How are your reindeers? I have been a super good student. Please give me a dog, a toy dog, that walk and a Lego friends set. I love you see you soon. Love, Rutu Chaudhri

Dear Santa How are your reindeer? I have been good at home. Could I please have a puppy and a kitten. Im leaving you some cookies! I will be geaving Rudolph a carrot! I love you Santa. Love, Rylan Ray

Dear Santa How are your reindeer? My mom and dad are proud of me. I want a conpyouter, a real dog and X box threesixty, and a big marble I love you Santa! Love, Justice Clark

Dear Santa. How are you doing? Thanks for baing nice could I have a Barbe car? Thank you!

Love, Nielianna Yens

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