McDonald County Press

Club Hears From Noel Betterment Associatio­n


Denae Murphy presented a brief program concerning the Noel Betterment Associatio­n to the Noel

Woman’s Club.

The Noel Woman’s Club February meeting was called to order by Co- President Melissa Lance. The Pledge of Allegiance and Lord’s Prayer were recited, followed by roll call with 13 members and one guest — Trish — present.

Denae Murphy presented a brief program concerning the Noel Betterment Associatio­n. They were sponsoring a trash pickup day in Noel for Saturday, Feb. 18, and invited all to join them. They have some plans for Noel beautifica­tion projects in the coming months.

It was also noted that the weeds have been cut at the end of Main Street next to the river. This was done by the city Street Department. The club thanks them for that as well as the other areas of town that have been cleaned up.

The minutes were read and approved and the treasurer’s report was given. A thank you note was read from the Noel Primary School regarding the gift items the Woman’s Club donated for their “Christmas Cart,” which the children are able to buy gifts from.

Linda reported that the scholarshi­p forms have been placed in the counselor’s office at McDonald County High School. The Woman’s Club awards two scholarshi­ps each spring to graduating senior girls from Noel.

The forms must be filled out and returned to the counselor’s office by April 1.

Linda has done a wonderful job bringing our Woman’s Club History Book up to date. The book was on display at the meeting.

Members were recognized for their years of service to the club. Debbie has been a member the longest with more than 40 years. The club thanks her for her service.

Those present had the Valentine gift exchange and enjoyed refreshmen­ts prepared by hostesses Melissa and Mary.

The club then finished the meeting by bagging homemade cookies to donate to Meals on Wheels. It has become a tradition that the Woman’s Club provides them homemade cookies for Valentine’s Day. Thanks to all who baked cookies and helped provide more than 60 bags.

The next meeting will be March 14 and the hostess will be Dot.

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 ?? PHOTO SUBMITTED ?? Members of the Noel Woman’s Club bag cookies for the Meals on Wheels program.
PHOTO SUBMITTED Members of the Noel Woman’s Club bag cookies for the Meals on Wheels program.

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