McDonald County Press

Alabaster Box Contained All She Had To Offer

Look at the story in Matthew 19:16-22. The man came to Jesus and asked what he might do to gain eternal life. The reply was very hard for the man to accept. He had kept many of the commandmen­ts required, but when he was told to sell all he had and give to

- Submitted by Joyce Walters

This day was truly blessed by the presence of several who have been ill. You know we are creatures of habit and tend to sit in the same pew every service. Because of this practice, it is very easy for Pastor and all of our members to see those empty seats. Just know that you are leaving a hole in our hedge of family when you are unable to be with us. Thank God for his healing touch.

Brother Daniel Cartwright offered a song of praise this morning, and we were all blessed. We extend a very heartfelt prayer for the family of Arlene, Sister Gloria Gibson’s sister. We ask God to give them peace during this time of loss.

Our message this Lord’s day began with Pastor asking if we knew the story of the alabaster box. Of course, many hands were raised, but he gave a new insight into the reason for the woman pouring the ointment over the head of Christ. He stressed that the woman did all she could to be a blessing to Jesus. Because the content of the box was very valuable, she was scorned by those who stood by and were doing nothing to further the cause of Christ. Some of the chief priests and scribes actually were seeking to find a way to put him to death.

She knew that Jesus would soon give his very life for all who follow and obey him, according to the Bible.

While in the house of Simon in Bethany, the woman had come to him with the alabaster box. Some of the onlookers said, “Why is the ointment being wasted? It could have been sold for a lot of money and given to the poor.”

You see, the woman was not concerned about the value of what wealth she could gain for herself. Jesus spoke to them in her defense. He said, “Let her alone. She hath wrought a good work on me. She knows that the poor will always be with you, but I will soon be gone to my Father.”

This is the point that Pastor was showing us. We should be ready to give all we can for the good of our Christian experience. I have found that many people are very good friends until you need help and get into their pocket. Sorry, but it is true. You see we are, by nature, a selfish people and the only way we can come to the place of giving with a willing and cheerful heart is through the love of God.

Look at the story in Matthew 19:16-22. The man came to Jesus and asked what he might do to gain eternal life. The reply was very hard for the man to accept. He had kept many of the commandmen­ts required, but when he was told to sell all he had and give to the poor, he could not make that final sacrifice.

He turned away and left sorrowful, for he knew he had missed his reward because of his love of material possession­s. Are we to the place of giving when it hurts? God loves a cheerful giver who has put off the desire of great gain. This requires a devoted life in order to escape what we find in verse 23 of this chapter.

Here, Jesus spoke to His disciples, “Verily I say, that a rich man shall hardly enter in the Kingdom of heaven.” We are to be careful where we have laid our treasures. Of course there will be rich men in heaven, if they go by the instructio­n of the Word and do not make their riches an idol.

We must put God in the very center of our lives and be willing to be obedient even when it goes against our carnal feelings.

In 1 Kings 17:9-16, we read another precious story of giving when it is almost impossible. Elijah came to the house of a widow who was just about to prepare the very last food that she possessed for her son and herself.

He asked her to give him water to drink and bread to eat.

She answered, “I am sorry, but I only have enough for my son and I. Then we will surely die.” Elijah said, “Fear not. Just do as I say and after you make me a cake, there will be enough for your meal.” She was told that because of her generous heart that God would never let her barrel of meal or cruse of oil run dry. We just cannot out give God. Be aware that He sees our very intentions and blesses us accordingl­y. We must be willing to give all we can, just as the woman with the alabaster box. We never know what our kindness might mean to those who we bless.

Until next week, I pray we have given you a new outlook on the blessing of giving. “God bless you” is always our prayer. Come worship with us on Sunday at 10:30 a.m. or 6 p.m. and 6:30 on Wednesday evening. We would love to meet you. Everyone is welcome at the Cove Mission of Hope in Lanagan.

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