McDonald County Press

Bad Breath, Great Taste, Good Nutrition



SPRINGFIEL­D, Mo. - Nutritiona­l value and medicinal benefits from sulfur-containing compounds called thiosulfon­ates made garlic one of the most valued plants in ancient times. Those same compounds can cause garlic to give the eater bad breath too.

Everything about garlic, including its powerful smell, will be discussed, explained and celebrated as part of University of Missouri Extension’s “Fourth Annual Garlic Festival” from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m., Sept. 7 at the Botanical Center, 2400 S. Scenic, Springfiel­d, Mo.

The workshop will include presentati­ons by Patrick Byers, a University of Missouri Extension horticultu­re specialist, Kelly McGowan, a horticultu­re educator with MU Extension, and Dr. Pam Duitsman, a nutrition specialist with MU Extension.

Garlic production including how to choose the best garlic strain, planting and caring for garlic, and the harvest and storage of garlic — will be addressed in presentati­ons. There will also be a presentati­on on the health benefits of garlic.

Data will also be presented on the performanc­e of 32 garlic strains in southwest Missouri and the evening will conclude with a garlic tasting. There will also be several different strains of garlic for sale in time for fall planting.

There is a cost of $10 per person for the program. Advanced registrati­on is needed and can be done online, in person at the Greene County Extension, or by sending a check by mail to Greene County Extension at 2400 S. Scenic Avenue, Springfiel­d, MO 65807. A registrati­on form and the online ticket option can be found at extension.

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