McDonald County Press

Noel Woman’s Club


The July meeting for the Noel Woman’s Club was held July 10 with 12 members present. After the Pledge of Allegiance and Lord’s Prayer were recited, Debbie took roll call and minutes were read and approved. The treasurer’s report was given by Bonnie.

We voted to pay box rent at the post office annually. A thank you card was presented from Mary.

Barb received a letter from Scholastic concerning our request for books for foster children and we do not qualify for the program. The state program we had been seeking books from is no longer available either.

Hannah gave a report on our booth at First Friday in Noel. We sold some cookbooks and talked to several people about Woman’s Club work. We invite anyone interested in helping out our community to join us for a meeting. We plan to attend the next First Friday on Aug. 3 and invite the public to stop by.

We made a donation to the Noel Betterment Associatio­n. They have the same goals as the Woman’s Club — to make Noel a better place to live and work.

Bonnie volunteere­d to store the Woman’s Club table, supplies and canopies at her business for us. Thank you, Bonnie, for taking care of that.

Our hostesses for the evening were Hannah and Gail. They served chips, dip, lemonade and Rice Krispies treats for a cool summertime treat. Decoration­s were in the red, white and blue theme.

The next meeting will be Aug. 14 and the hostess will be Bonnie. The August program will be a silent book auction. If you are a reader, join us and bid on some books! As always, our meetings are at the Methodist Church Fellowship Hall. You may call Melissa at 417-4753599 for more informatio­n.

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