McDonald County Press

Sing The Resurrecti­on Song


We have endured the dreariness of winter. We have walked with Jesus through the days of Lent. We have experience­d the suffering and felt the pain He endured. We have come face-to-face with dreaded death. Like the Disciples, we have given up, we have lost hope. Will the winter-of-life never end?

“Now the green blade riseth from the buried grain,

Wheat that in dark earth for many days hath lain;

Love lives again that with the dead has been!

In the grave they laid Him, Love whom men had slain;

Thinking that never he would wake again,

Laid in the earth like grain that sleeps unseen.

Forth He came at Easter, like the risen grain;

He that for three days in the grave had lain;

Quick from the dead my risen Lord is seen!

Love is come again like wheat that springeth green.” — J.M.Crum

Every gardener knows that once the seed is planted in the ground, there comes a time of waiting. Waiting for the outer husk to decay. Waiting for the sun and soil to do their work. Waiting for the seed to sprout and push its way up through the surface. Waiting for that first sign of green-life. Then, there is a time of rejoicing!

The Master Gardener selected the perfect seed. He allowed His body to be planted in the tomb. Knowing full well that after a three-day wait, His seed would burst forth from the grave. This new life was seen by many. And all the hosts of heaven and all the disciples on earth rejoiced with exceeding great joy! Love lives again! Always and forever green!

“Sing with all the sons of glory! Sing the resurrecti­on song!

Death and sorrow, earth’s dark story to the former days belong;

All around the clouds are breaking — Soon the storms of time shall cease.

In God’s likeness, man awakening knows the everlastin­g peace!” — Irons

Easter is a time of rejoicing with exceeding great joy! Easter is a time to sing the resurrecti­on song! Easter is a time to tell the whole world what we have seen and heard and felt concerning the Risen Christ!

“I know that my Redeemer lives! What joy that blest assurance gives!

He lives, He lives, who once was dead! He lives, my everlastin­g head!

He lives, to bless me with his love! He lives, to plead for me above!

He lives, my hungry soul to feed! He lives, to help in time of need!

He lives, and grants me daily breath! He lives, and I shall conquer death!

He lives, my mansion to prepare! He lives, to bring me safely there!

He lives, all glory to His name! He lives, my Savior, still the same!

What joy this blest assurance gives! I know that my Redeemer lives!” — Samuel Medley

All praise be to God for the miracle of resurrecti­on and the gift of new and everlastin­g life! AMEN!

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