McDonald County Press

Too Good for Guidance


Sometimes I don’t know what is worse, being hard of hearing or getting so far into my own little world that I become oblivious to everything and everyone around me to the point that even if I had 20/20 hearing, I would still miss it.

Early the other morning while praying and searching my Bible for a topic for this article, the Lord did something that my dad used to do all the time. He said, “Listen!” So now He’s finally got my attention and I concentrat­e on Him.

Then He says, “What have I been showing you all week?” Well, I’ve seen a lot of closed stores and restaurant­s (I despise drive-throughs — I like to eat at a table). I’ve seen people standing back at a distance afraid to get close, people wearing masks and even gloves, afraid to touch anything and folks carrying around hand sanitizer and wet wipes. If you should happen to cough in public or sneeze, people look at you like you are carrying a sack full rattlesnak­es; and then the Lord asked me this, “What if we were all as concerned and protective of our spiritual health as we are about our physical?” What if people were as willing to try to get a word from God as they are to find a jumbo pack of toilet paper and a package of hamburger?

In Luke 1:79, it tells us two of the things that Jesus does for us. Throughout the week, I carry my tool-bags with me everywhere I go and the tool that I use and need the most is my flashlight. As I’m getting older, my eyes are getting dimmer and I need a light shining on whatever I’m doing in order to see it clearly. The thing is, when you have a light shining on what you are doing, everyone else can clearly see what you are up to. That is why some don’t want that light shining on them (see John 3:19). But, as Christians, we should want that light shining because, in Luke 1:76-77, we have a job to do also and others can see it only if the light is shining on it.

And then Luke 1:79 says, “He will guide our feet into the path of peace.” There are lots of paths out there that our feet can walk, but the only one that we can find any contentmen­t in is the path of peace, and the only way that we are able to stay on that path is if we are following our guide.

As a Christian, if you want peace with your family, follow your guide. If you want peace with your neighbors, follow your guide. If you want peace at your job or in your school, follow your guide. Don’t be too good for guidance.

A lot of things have changed in our world. Many people are not going to work, very few people are traveling and that’s probably wise. This is all because of the guidance of doctors and disease specialist­s. When this is all over, will we be as anxious to be in God’s word and in His house in order to get His guidance? Are you as concerned and protective of your spiritual health as you are about the physical?

Don’t be too good for guidance. Jesus is the Great Physician and the Peace Specialist.

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