McDonald County Press

Quit Being The Silent Majority


We had planned to take a family vacation to Disney World last week. Melody had found a great house at an affordable cost that would house our whole crew. Even had matching shirts made up. Well, you know how that worked out.

Instead, we changed plans and rented a house in Gulfport, Miss., right across the street from the beach. It was a great family time and we created memories that will last a lifetime.

We got home right before the July 4th weekend and for the first time in a lot of years, we were in Neosho for Independen­ce Day. We didn’t do anything special, except rest up from driving nearly 2,000 miles round trip with 12 people in a van.

But, Saturday night, while Melody consoled our dogs from the fireworks going on around us, I drove to the Patriot’s Memorial. I wanted to take in the sight of the flag flying proudly in the night sky with fireworks from families going up all over the town.

The night was foggy and I could smell smoke hanging in the air. It was a feeling and a sight that I won’t soon forget.

In 1947 Winston Churchill remarked that “Many forms of government have been tried, and will be tried in this world of sin and woe. No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed, it has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.” Okay, I know we are a republic and not a democracy but the principles are the same.

Our nation is not perfect by any means. We have our faults and we have made mistakes. We have failed at many things. Our country is just like we are — imperfect and not without sin.

But, we are also the greatest and most free country to ever exist. We have opportunit­ies that other nations can only dream of. I hear so many speaking out to tear down all that we are but yet I don’t hear one of those people expressing a desire to leave.

We are facing trying times now just like we have faced at many junctures in our nation’s history. We can either learn from history or we can destroy history. And the cancel culture advocates which seek to hold everyone in history to a standard of conduct that they cannot even begin to meet themselves are hypocrites of the highest order.

Looking at the flag flying proudly, I could not help but worry about the country my grandchild­ren will live in. Will they still have the freedom of speech or merely freedom of approved speech? Will they be able to live free from the tyranny of the state or will they be free to live as our founders designed?

The answer will lie with the silent majority — those who love this country and want to raise our families in a free society. If we do not speak up, then the anarchists will win. It’s your choice.

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