McDonald County Press

Are Your Spiritual Tools Prepared For Battle?

- By Joyce Walters Cove Mission of Hope Opinions expressed are those of the author.

This was a morning for singing. We had three very precious messages in song. God blesses in so many ways that we never know where the spirit will begin to move.

Pastor Bob Cartwright started the sermon with an odd statement. But soon it began to fall into place and the point was very moving. He said that, with a car, the power is under the hood and, without that motor, we would not be able to be taken from one place to the other. His example for instance was, if you get into the car and use the key as a point of contact, you will hear that engine begin to turn over; when you put it in gear, off you go. To apply this to our life, we must allow our inner spirit to be awakened and, when we yield to the spirit, we will start to move and bless those with whom we come into contact.

We know that, the more horsepower under that hood, the more speed you will have to take you to your destinatio­n. It takes a combinatio­n of parts to get that horsepower ready for the road. Think about it, we need a key, engine, tires, and many other parts, too many to name. But if just one of these components is not functionin­g properly, we can sit there and press on the gas as long as we want but get nowhere.

This is so true of the Christian who never allows his engine to be used or the horsepower within the soul which can accomplish so much more than we can imagine. But we have to use the tools that are available to start and run the race. We are letting that engine sit and get turned in many directions. God has a plan and a path for each of us. He wants us to be prepared to speak the word to the lost; those needing encouragem­ent.

Another way Pastor explained it was, as you read in Jeremiah 4:3, you find how we are to break up the fallow ground. Unless you first plow the dirt and set out the crops, you will never see a yield during the harvest. There are definite steps to take in order to see a bountiful time of gathering. Are we taking the steps described or are we neglecting some parts and taking a shortcut? Well, let me tell you, there are no shortcuts in our walk with the Lord. We are either following the instructio­ns one at a time or we are doing things the way the world tells us. The latter of these statements will surely lead you to a place where Satan has prepared a fire that will burn for eternity. If you think your life is hard now, think of a fire that will burn forever and you have no relief.

Many people forget that God has seen potential in your life and he expects you to spread the gospel wherever you go, telling of the joy and peace given to those who accept Jesus as the Savior and keep the commandmen­ts found in the word. We do not have to travel this road alone. God said He will never leave us nor forsake us but will stay with us to the very end. Jesus is a friend that stays closer than any other. Think about it, do you want to sit in a car that never moves or miss food because you didn’t prepare the ground. God said to occupy until he comes. So we must be found doing the will of the Father and striving for the perfection given only through hard work and much studying.

In Hosea 10:11-12, you will read again how that we must work in order to reap our reward. You can sit and dry up due to a lack of spiritual food. That is a scary thought. Just as your natural body needs to be fed, so does your soul.

Acts 1:8 reminds you again that you will receive power after the Holy Ghost is come upon you. So, if you have the power to do the work that God has laid before you, I am afraid that you are destined to obey or lose your power. When you are saved, God washes away the sins of your life and you become a new creature. It is very important for you to pray for and attempt to guide the new Christians as Satan will deceive many and they will miss heaven just because they do not search the scripture in order to learn of God’s plans for their lives.

Many have lost the zeal they once had as a new child of God. Think back to when you first got saved. Were you excited about what the Lord had done for you and the things you were learning from the word? You are to take up your cross and follow Him with a loving and willing heart. Can you right this minute say, “Here am I, Lord, send me into the fields to plow and plant so I may have a bountiful harvest?” 2 Timothy 1:11-13 gives you an idea of what the Lord expects of you. We are to never be ashamed and know in whom we believe and know that He is able to keep that which we have committed to Him.

In other words, we have to know that when we give Him our heart and trust Him to guide us, we better mean what we say. Verse 13 tells us to hold fast the form of sound words which we have heard and use our power of faith and love which comes from Christ. We will be victorious.

In closing, Pastor asked us if we had all of our parts working together so we can accomplish what God has placed before us. We are so blessed to hear the word being preached each week.

Come join us at the Cove. Our church is at the top of the hill in Lanagan, Mo. We have worship services Sunday at 10:30 a.m. and 6 p.m. and Bible study at 6 p.m. on Wednesdays. God bless you.

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