McDonald County Press

What does God think of you?

- By Kitty Collingswo­rth — The opinions expressed are those of the author.

We wished Janet Chaney, Jeanette Easter and Frankie Garvin a happy birthday as we gathered to worship Sunday morning at Mill Creek Baptist Church. Also, happy birthday to Tom Sharp this week. Jerry Abercrombi­e greeted the congregati­on and opened our service with prayer. Jeanette, Alesia and Raye Dean shared praises, and special prayers were requested for Don, Jerry, Dot and Ruth.

The adult Sunday school class studied John 6:26-40. The lesson talked about the physical need for food and the spiritual need for food that only comes from Jesus. Jesus provides spiritual food that always satisfies — the bread of life. “Believers find true nourishmen­t in the truth of the gospel.” The children’s Sunday school class taught by Terry Lett studied John 13:34 about loving others as Jesus loves us.

Linda Abercrombi­e shared a devotional, “A Tool That Works,” and read Luke 17:6. As we think about the apps on our phones, the only practical app is our faith. It allows us to stand when we feel like falling. Through faith, we find strength. Peace is a gift from God and something we can’t find on our own.

Rick Lett and Tyrel Lett served as ushers and collected the offering, and the congregati­on joined voices in singing hymns of praise, led by Karen Gardner with special music from Ruthie, who sang “Jesus Loves Me.”

We were blessed to have Roger Gill bring us God’s word in Sunday’s message, “We Forget What God Remembers,” with scripture reading from Psalm 103:11-14 about the benefits of serving the Lord. Roger told us, “People are looking for a touch from God today. Don’t let the world interpret your Bible for you. God loves you. If He can create Adam from a handful of dust, he can reach down and touch us. Have you ever wondered what God thinks of us? What God knows about us is how much we want to know about Him. Psalm 139:13-16 tells us what God knew about us before we were created, the hour and day we were born, and God knows when we will leave this earth.”

Roger referred to Psalm 139 and asked, “Can you believe that God thinks that much of us? Do we run away from God because we know our hearts too well and we know God too little?

Psalm 104:8 tells us God’s characteri­stics. ‘The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in mercy.’ That is the kind of God we have. God forgives all of our sins, not just a few. But the only way to God is through Jesus Christ. The Lord is compassion­ate, He is gracious, and He gives us what we don’t deserve. He loves us more than anyone on earth loves us. We couldn’t make it without God’s mercy. Verses 9-10 tell us that God hates sin, but He loves us. We are sinners under grace. God is always fair. He forgives. Why can’t we [forgive] and move on? When we forget to pray, He remembers us. When we disappoint Him, He still cares for us. When we sin, He forgives. He forgives all of our sins. And the scripture tells us that His faithful love is as ‘far as the east is from the west.’”

Roger told us that we live in a tiny corner of God’s universe. “He made everything in it. We are like the grain of sand in the scripture, but He still knows us and loves us. He wants us to be like Him and show compassion for someone because we see their needs. We need an earthly revival. Dads need to see the needs of their children and bring their families to church. A dad’s life should reflect the life of Jesus Christ. Lead your family in the way of Christ.”

As Roger referred back to Psalm 103, he said, “The scripture reminds us that we are dust and should learn from the changing of the seasons. Life won’t be here forever. Just as the leaves change color, their beauty comes when the leaves begin to die. It’s just like gray hair reminds us that we won’t be here forever, but look where you’ve been and how God has forgiven you. Hope is not in man or the world but in Jesus Christ, our eternity.

“Where in eternity will you spend that long time? You need to know where you’re going to spend it. Eternity never ends.

“We are richer and more blessed than we realize. If you are a Christian, God has put all His value in you. The poorest person is the richest if they know Jesus Christ. He loved the world that crucified Him. God knows us and loves us, and the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ. There are no qualificat­ions and no pre-existing conditions. Trust Jesus Christ because He loves you. God knows more about us than we know about ourselves.”

We invite you to worship with us Sunday mornings at 11 a.m. at Mill Creek Baptist Church, located 3 1/2 miles east of Noel, just off Highway 90. Sunday school begins at 10 a.m., and Bible study is Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. Everyone is welcome.

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