Miami Herald (Sunday)

Our flesh, blood and treasure should not be the price we pay for Trump’s lies

- BY LEONARD PITTS JR. lpitts@miamiheral­

So what in the world just happened here? That’s the question of the moment as we struggle to get our heads around the latest headsnappi­ng episode in the bizarre presidency of Donald Trump. In the last few days, we’ve seen: 1) a U.S. drone strike in Iraq, killing Qassem Soleimani, commander of Iran’s elite Quds Force; 2) Trump’s justificat­ion of the killing on grounds that Soleimani, architect of hundreds of

American military casualties, was planning imminent violence; 3) bellicose threats from Trump to bomb Iranian cultural sites (which would be a war crime); 4) vows of revenge from Tehran and, 5) Iranian missile attacks upon the Iraqi Green Zone, where the American embassy is located and upon Iraqi bases that house U.S. troops. The attacks caused no casualties and thus may — may — have allowed Iran a face-saving way to avoid escalating hostilitie­s.

And there is also word — breaking as this is written — that U.S. officials now believe a Ukrainian passenger plane that crashed near Tehran killing 176 people after the retaliator­y attack was shot down accidental­ly by Iran.

Somewhere in the midst of that chaos, Marco Rubio, Florida senator and Trump sock puppet, tweeted a call for unity. “#Iran is now openly calling for American’s (sic) to turn on each other. The time will come to debate U.S. policy. Tonight American & allied troops have come under direct attack by a nationstat­e & Americans must come together to support & protect them & respond appropriat­ely.”

In other words, support the troops, and don’t ask any questions.

It’s an appeal to the same sense of patriotic duty that welded Americans together after Sept. 11 and Dec. 7. And you might even allow yourself to be persuaded, if this president were not such an infernal liar.

Yes, presidenti­al lying is hardly unique to Trump. But no president has ever lied as profusely, prolifical­ly or prodigious­ly as this guy — 15,413 falsehoods since Inaugurati­on Day, according to a December tally in The Washington Post. Truth finds itself not simply assaulted, but deposed by Trump followers convinced that reality is whatever their great and powerful Oz says it is from one moment to the next. They blithely parrot lies as if they were truths, and it’s hard to decide if they don’t know the difference or just don’t care.

But here’s the thing: A president can make no more consequent­ial a decision than to use military force. When that happens, we need and should demand a full understand­ing of what makes it necessary. If we are to risk the blood, flesh and treasure of our people, we should at least know why.

And we don’t. Oh, we know what Trump has said. Unfortunat­ely, 15,000 lies later, no president has ever had less credibilit­y as he deployed U.S. military assets. That includes Bill

Clinton who, in the midst of a scandal over his relationsh­ip with a White House intern, authorized strikes against terrorist targets.

No one comes close to Trump. This lying liar lyingly lies — nonstop.

So you’d like to believe there was good reason for what we just did. And that an attack was, indeed, imminent. And that killing Soleimani was the best option — not just a diversion from Trump’s impeachmen­t. And that we have a plan for the aftermath.

You’d like to, but you can’t. That’s the sad state of our union. That’s the graveyard we whistle past.

And Rubio says we must support the troops and ask no questions? No. Let us support them by asking questions, questions as bold and shameless as the lies we are told. Begin with these:

What in the world just happened here?

And what in the world will happen next?

 ?? ANDREW CRAFT Getty Images ?? On Jan. 4, in Fort Bragg, North Carolina, troops from the Army’s 82nd Airborne Division get ready for deployment to the Middle East.
ANDREW CRAFT Getty Images On Jan. 4, in Fort Bragg, North Carolina, troops from the Army’s 82nd Airborne Division get ready for deployment to the Middle East.
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