Miami Herald (Sunday)

Family dog loves man perhaps a bit too much

- JEANNE PHILLIPS Contact Dear Abby at www. or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.

Dear Abby: I have the most wonderful, caring, loving husband any wife could dream of, and together we have a very sweet dog who adores us both but my husband a bit too much, if I may put it that way. When my husband is relaxing on the couch, “Peanut” likes to, umm, “love on” his leg.

I know this is something dogs do, and I have read that it’s a way to establish the alpha, but my husband doesn’t dissuade her from this “loving” behavior. I find it disturbing, not so much because Peanut does it, but because my husband doesn’t mind or even likes it. Is this normal? — Other Alpha in Massachuse­tts

Dear Other Alpha: According to the ASPCA website, what Peanut is doing is normal behavior for animals of both sexes, including those that have been spayed or neutered. Your husband’s acceptance of it, in my opinion, is less so.

Dear Abby: I know a man who is a wonderful person, but he has a habit that is very disturbing. He gets angry when I laugh. He says I shouldn’t be laughing because he thinks what I’m laughing at isn’t funny.

I used to start a phrase with, “The funny thing is,” meaning strange or odd, and he would cut me off saying, “I don’t see why you think that’s funny.” I have since changed the phrase to “The odd thing is” to keep the peace. How can I handle this without creating a scene or argument? — Unfunny in Texas

Dear Unfunny: This person may have redeeming qualities, but tact and a sense of humor are not two of them. If telling him you don’t like what he’s doing and that it’s inappropri­ate will cause a scene, reevaluate the relationsh­ip.

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