Miami Herald

Europe slaps fresh sanctions on Russia


BRUSSELS — The European Union has decided to slap new economic sanctions on Russia — including ones targeting the country’s vital oil industry — for what it sees as Moscow’s meddling in eastern Ukraine.

The sanctions will further curb access to European capital markets for Russian banks and firms, limit exports of certain high-technology goods and target more officials with travel bans and asset freezes, the European Union said in statement.

The sanctions will take effect Friday following their publicatio­n in the European Union’s official journal but will be reversible if the situation in eastern Ukraine improves. A review of the measures will be carried out in late September, the EU said.

Russia’s stock market and its currency tumbled on the news. Russia’s benchmark MICEX, which was rising Thursday morning, was down 1.2 percent in the afternoon. The Russian ruble fell to an all-time low of 37.51 rubles against the U.S. dollar.

A summit of EU leaders almost two weeks ago called for the new sanctions, but the measure were twice postponed to assess the impact of a cease-fire in eastern Ukraine. The United States has said it was also considerin­g new sanctions and was expected to follow suit on Friday.

The cease-fire between the Russian-backed separatist­s and the Ukrainian military took effect Friday but has been riddled by

violations. On Thursday, two volleys of Grad rocket fire rang out in the rebel-held eastern city of Donetsk.

A spokesman for Ukraine’s National Security and Defense Council, Col. Andriy Lysenko, told journalist­s that a large swath of Ukraine near the Sea of Azov had come under full rebel control. While the change likely happened before the cease-fire, it was an unusual admission by Ukraine of the scale of a coastal rebel offensive that Kiev and NATO say was backed by Russian arms and soldiers. Russia denies the charge. Ukraine’s President Petro Poroshenko has sought to portray the cease-fire deal — reached as the rebels waged a major offensive that pushed back Ukraine’s troops — as a victory rather than a defeat, saying Wednesday that about 70 percent of the Russian troops in eastern Ukraine had since withdrawn.

NATO, however, said Thursday that its intelligen­ce still shows about 1,000 Russian troops with sophistica­ted weaponry like heavy artillery on Ukrainian soil. An estimated 20,000 other Russian troops are amassed just east of the border, the alliance said.

The new sanctions cut the European Union’s current ban on credits and loans to Russian entities from a maturity of more than 90 days now to those over 30 days. Curbing access to western capital markets could weigh down Russia’s already-flagging economic growth.

In addition to hitting five of Russia’s biggest banks, the European Union said the capital market restrictio­ns will now also hit three major Russian defense firms and three major energy companies. The names of the targeted entities will be released Friday.

The export of high-tech items that can be used for both military and civilian purposes — so-called dualuse goods — will also face further restrictio­ns. In addition, 24 more individual­s, including Russian decisionma­kers and oligarchs as well as rebel leaders from eastern Ukraine, will be banned from traveling to the 28-nation bloc and their assets will be frozen, the European Union said.

That will bring the total number of people subject to EU sanctions to 119.

Overall, Brussels has been more reluctant than Washington to sanction Russia because of its broad economic ties. Moscow is an important gas supplier for many EU nations and it is the bloc’s third-largest trading partner overall. The EU’s sanctions, however, have more impact than those imposed by the United States since the EU is by far Russia’s largest trading partner.

Matteo Napolitano, a director in Fitch Ratings’ sovereign division, warned that the sanctions and the risk of further measures could see internatio­nal banks further reduce their exposure to Russia, sparking renewed capital flight, slamming investment and depleting Moscow’s foreign exchange reserves.

“The sanctions are really having a meaningful impact,” he said at a conference in London.

In Ukraine’s capital of Kiev on Thursday, people held posters and laid flowers to commemorat­e terror victims killed in the Sept. 11 attacks in the United States and in the July 17 downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 over eastern Ukraine.

Ukraine has accused the separatist­s of shooting down Flight 17.

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