Miami Herald

Toronto mayor hospitaliz­ed with suspected tumor


TORONTO — Rob Ford, the controvers­ial mayor of Toronto who became an internatio­nal celebrity last year after acknowledg­ing using crack cocaine in a “drunken stupor,” is believed to have a tumor in his abdomen, health officials said.

Dr. Rueben Devlin from Humber Regional Hospital said Wednesday night that Ford had been complainin­g of abdominal pains and that an examinatio­n resulted in a working diagnosis of a tumor.

He said Ford had been suffering from stomach pains for at least three months and they had worsened in the last 24 hours.

“It became unbearable for him,” he said.

Ford, 45, acknowledg­ed using crack following months of denials. The mayor returned to work in June after a rehab stint for drug and alcohol abuse and is running for reelection on Oct. 27.

Devlin said they need to determine what type of tumor it is by doing a biopsy. He said he could not say how long Ford will be in the hospital.

Devlin said the CT scan is “very definitive for the tumor” but a “definitive diagnosis” is still to come.

Ford had previously said he had abdominal surgery to remove a tumor on his appendix. “I had a major surgery on my appendix; they took out a piece of my colon. So I had a tumor in my appendix, and that’s pretty scary when that happens,” he told CTV television in a 2010 interview.

Doug Ford Sr., the mayor’s farther, died of colon cancer in 2006.

Councilor Doug Ford, the mayor’s brother and cam- paign manager, said Rob is in good spirits.

Doug Ford sidesteppe­d questions about the mayoral race, saying he would speak about the campaign on Thursday. Although campaignin­g has been underway for months, the official deadline for candidates to sign up is Friday. That leaves time for Doug Ford, a city councilor, to step in for his brother, a possibilit­y some have long speculated about.

Doug deflected a question about Rob’s previous health issues.

 ?? AP ?? Rob Ford had been complainin­g of abdominal pains and an examinatio­n resulted in a working diagnosis of a tumor, doctor said.
AP Rob Ford had been complainin­g of abdominal pains and an examinatio­n resulted in a working diagnosis of a tumor, doctor said.

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