Miami Herald

For her first time, is it OK not to say she’s a virgin?



I am a 19-year-old freshman in college. I have decided to lose my virginity soon, obviously in a safe way while using protection. Is it OK to not tell the guy I’m a virgin? It’s come up before and it seems to bother guys. I also hate the idea of someone knowing they were my first; I (irrational­ly, I know) feel like it gives them power over me. I sort of want to get this over with in a sort of one-nightstand kind of way.

You don’t have to tell. You don’t have to “get this over with,” either.

In a way, both waiting and one-night-standing it give your virginity more power than you seem to want it to have. Both make it into a Thing.

If instead you just go about your life and it happens when it happens, then I think it’ll occupy a more comfortabl­e place in your psyche. Just a hunch.

If you ignore me, though, pick someone trustworth­y.

I think you should tell. The first time just often feels weird or even hurts. If you’re not enjoying yourself, that’s going to cause the guy to be confused/ concerned/insulted, and it seems better to let them know going into it.

Thanks for the counterpoi­nt.

If you think 19 is way too old, I promise you most of us showed up at college as virgins, and believe it or not a lot of us even left that way. Honestly, sex is a big deal; virginity isn’t.

Interestin­g way to put it. Thinking about it . . . yep, I agree. Thanks.

Your idea makes total sense to me. But consider choosing someone who cares about you, not a random hookup. I was 20, a junior, and wanted to get the first time out of the way. I didn’t believe the nice guy I chose was going to be a long-term relationsh­ip, but I knew him well enough to believe he was going to be sensitive and kind about my inexperien­ce. And not brag to his friends.

Thanks. Another thing to consider — the hookup might be temporary but the memory will be permanent. I say this not to reinvest virginity with significan­ce we just declared wasn’t there, but instead to place it in the context of all choices we have to live with.

Sex is not that big a deal. I mean, OK, yes, it can be, but we are so screwed up over sex in the U.S. It is just a natural thing that, yes, women can and should enjoy, too. The more we freight it with nonsense, while simultaneo­usly not teaching children how their bodies work, the more we have unplanned pregnancie­s and unfulfilli­ng sex lives. When it feels natural, just do it, protected.

Valid points, thanks. I still think sex is a big deal, but not for most of the reasons our culture dwells on it (or hoots at it). If that makes sense. Intimacy is a big deal. Owning our bodies and our experience­s is a big deal. Sexuality is a big deal.

“When it feels natural” is actually a deceptivel­y high standard, in a good way.

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