Miami Herald

White House wants to end TPS for Nicaraguan­s, but two Miami lawmakers are trying to keep it

- BY ALEX DAUGHERTY adaugherty@mcclatchyd­

About 5,300 Nicaraguan­s in the U.S. are currently relying on a court decision to continue working and living legally in the United States after the Trump administra­tion announced that it wants to end Nicaragua’s Temporary Protected Status.

Two Miami lawmakers are trying to end the uncertaint­y.

Republican Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart and Democratic Rep. Donna Shalala introduced a bill Tuesday that would provide TPS to Nicaraguan nationals already in the United States, a population concentrat­ed in South Florida.

Diaz-Balart and Shalala argued that recent violence related to President Daniel Ortega’s decision to cut government benefits and human rights concerns are justificat­ion to extend a program that’s been in place since 1999 and extended by presidents from both parties ever since.

“The Nicaraguan people are demanding free, fair, multiparty elections and a government free of crime and corruption that respects basic human rights and liberties,” Diaz-Balart said. “Until that happens, I strongly support the Trump administra­tion’s demonstrat­ions of strong solidarity with the Nicaraguan people through robust sanctions against those who corrupt Nicaragua’s democratic institutio­ns or perpetrate human rights abuses. In addition, we also must demonstrat­e our solidarity with the Nicaraguan people by extending protection to those Nicaraguan­s who have found a safe haven in the United States.“

Lawmakers from both parties in South Florida and Florida Sens. Marco Rubio and Rick Scott are generally supportive of extending TPS in countries like Nicaragua, Haiti, Honduras and El Salvador due to political and economic instabilit­y in those countries, and expanding it to Venezuela. The Trump administra­tion has said it’s considerin­g TPS for Venezuela, even though some members of the White House are opposed to programs that expand immigratio­n.

“Nicaraguan­s are facing a crisis from Ortega’s systemic human rights violations and assault on democratic institutio­ns that have sparked protests and left hundreds dead this past year,” Shalala said. “Extending TPS for Nicaraguan­s is the right thing to do, especially as the Ortega regime escalates its humanright­s abuses. I’m proud to work with Rep. Mario DiazBalart on this important bipartisan legislatio­n, and I remain committed in my effort to give TPS status to Venezuelan­s and extend status to those from El Salvador, Honduras, Haiti, and other groups currently designated for TPS.”

The legislatio­n from DiazBalart and Shalala comes as the Trump administra­tion brands Nicaragua as one of the three countries that make up the “Troika of Tyranny,” along with Venezuela and Cuba. Last month, the Treasury Department announced sanctions against Ortega’s son and vice president, along with Nicaraguan bank BanCorp, accusing them of laundering money for personal gain.

“President Ortega, Vice President [Rosario] Murillo, and members of their inner circle continue to engage in blatant corruption, violence and violations of basic human rights,” said Sigal Mandelker, Under Secretary of the Treasury for Terrorism and Financial Intelligen­ce. “The corrupt Ortega regime has ignored the Nicaraguan people’s calls for reform, including the freeing of all political prisoners, and early transparen­t elections.”

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