Miami Herald

Game on! Biden, Harris are a team

- This editorial first appeared in the Los Angeles Times.

In picking California Sen. Kamala Harris to join the Democrats’ 2020 presidenti­al ticket, Joe Biden has shown that, unlike the man currently holding the job he seeks, he’s not afraid of strong women.

It would have been disappoint­ing but understand­able if Biden had dismissed the highly qualified Harris as his running mate. She had also sought the nomination, and during the course of the primary she harshly criticized Biden’s position on busing to integrate schools and other racial justice issues. Before one CNN debate, Biden quipped, “Go easy on me, kid.” She didn’t. That’s not Harris’ style; she’s been a prosecutor for most of her profession­al life, not a therapist.

For this, Biden aides reportedly tried to block her selection as vice president, suggesting she lacked sufficient loyalty and deference and had too much ambition to make a good sidekick. And if Biden won, critics warned, she might spend most of her time in the West Wing preparing to run for president. That’s an absurd reason to reject a candidate. The vice presidenti­al spot has always been seen as a launching pad for the presidency.

Besides, isn’t ambition something you want in a leader? Or is that a trait admirable only in men? Indeed, Harris is ambitious. She had to be to overcome the obstacles she faced as both a woman and a person of color (her mother is from India and her father is Jamaican). And Harris didn’t just advance, she pioneered. She was

California’s first Black district attorney, the first woman to serve as California’s attorney general and the second Black woman to serve as a U.S. senator.

Now, she’s the first woman of color to join the Democratic presidenti­al ticket. As Biden heads into the most consequent­ial president election in modern history, he sees what we do: Harris has a lot to offer the campaign and the ticket beyond being a symbol. Harris brings an unusual blend of social justice progressiv­eness and lawand-order conservati­sm. She has a long career of fighting to protect the downtrodde­n and looking for ways to reform the criminal-justice system while still locking up plenty of the proverbial bad guys. She’s gone after for-profit colleges and the mortgage industry when they preyed upon her constituen­ts. She’s outspoken (at least when she wants to be) on issues she cares about, will not be cowed by bullying, and is not afraid of being seen as overly aggressive, which can be a career killer for women. Just ask

Hillary Clinton.

Her debating skills are not in doubt, as Biden well knows from personal experience. As any elected official with a long record of service, Harris has had missteps along with the successes.

Our chief criticism of her over the years has been her aversion to taking firm positions on controvers­ial topics, including some that should have been in her wheelhouse when she was attorney general. When California voters were considerin­g a major criminal justice reform initiative in 2014 to reduce certain nonviolent felonies to misdemeano­rs, Harris refused to take a stand on it or distance herself from the law enforcemen­t community’s fear-mongering. The initiative passed anyway.

That tendency carried on to some extent in the presidenti­al primary campaign, when Harris took safe and seemingly malleable stances on some major issues, such as enacting “Medicare for All” and allowing felons to vote. That’s not a deal breaker for a vice presidenti­al nominee, but presidenti­al candidates must be clear on their positions. Win or lose in November, Harris has at least four years to get that right.

 ?? NOAH BERGER Getty Images ?? Joe Biden pledged to pick a woman to be his vice president. Tuesday, Sen. Kamala Harris joined the ticket.
NOAH BERGER Getty Images Joe Biden pledged to pick a woman to be his vice president. Tuesday, Sen. Kamala Harris joined the ticket.

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