Miami Herald

Good journalism exposes hidden government actions CHINA EXPOSED

- – Lonnie Groot, Daytona Beach Shores

Re the Dec. 30 story “Schools’ paid $9M to five students raped by their former teacher, then tried to keep it quiet:” The Miami Herald served the public well in disclosing the financial damages paid to the victims of former Brownsvill­e middle school teacher Wendell Nibbs.

Florida is, of course, the Sunshine State. But the state’s tradition of openness in government began in 1909 with the passage of the Public Records Law. “Government in the sunshine state” provides that any records made or received by any public agency are available for inspection, unless specifical­ly exempted by the Florida Legislatur­e. Far too manyexempt­ions, unfortunat­ely, have occurred under Republican control, with its preference for secretive government.

Florida also has the “Government-in-the-Sunshine Law,” enacted in 1967, which establishe­s a right of access to most meetings of governing bodies throughout the state. Florida courts have supported this right of access, although recent appointees by Govs. Rick Scott and Ron DeSantis have shown less enthusiasm.

In 1992, Florida voters made access to open government and transparen­cy in government decisions a part of the basic rights of each citizen by adding Article I, Section 24 to the Florida Constituti­on. Thus, the citizens of Florida have the fundamenta­l right to know what those who govern them are doing.

When the Miami-Dade County School Board attempted to hide a multimilli­on-dollar settlement with the abused victims, it violated the basic principles of free, open and transparen­t government and Florida law.

The Herald, like so many profession­al news organizati­ons, exposed the hidden actions to the sunshine. Keep up the great journalism.

Re the Dec. 31 front-page story “25 days that changed the world: How COVID-19 slipped China’s grasp:” Finally, an article openly exposing China’s responsibi­lity for spreading the coronaviru­s to the entire world.

This is the way communists act, imposing absolute control over those issues that can jeopardize their image, no matter the consequenc­es.

When President Trump blamed China, calling it the Chinese virus, he was strongly criticized for this. Sadly, this is the way the media work.

– Horacio Perez,


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