Miami Herald

It’s National Mentoring Month. The youth of this community need you to step up

- BY GALE S. NELSON AND MALENA DORN malenad@bbbsbrowar­ Gale S. Nelson is CEO of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Miami. Malena Dorn is CEO of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Broward.

As youths grapple with isolation and other challenges related to the pandemic, youth mentoring is more critical today than at any other time in recent history.

The closure of schools, parks and other key venues and the cancellati­on of sporting events and group activities where kids got supervisio­n and mentoring — combined with increased use of the Internet during the pandemic — are making it difficult for kids, particular­ly those already at risk, to stay on track.

A new study by the Center for the Study of Social Policy shows that while adverse childhood experience­s can often lead to long-term poor health and social and criminal outcomes in youth, positive mentoring relationsh­ips are among the best mitigators of these circumstan­ces. The study, “Balancing Adverse Childhood Experience­s with Hope,” adds fresh data and insight to decades of research confirming that the healthy developmen­t and well-being of children and families are direct results of a full range of positive experience­s in their primary relationsh­ips and environmen­ts.

“Positive experience­s, ranging from infant attachment to mentoring for adolescent­s, are essential to children’s well-being and to their developmen­t into mentally, emotionall­y and physically healthy adults,” according to the study. “This appreciati­on of the need for positive relationsh­ips and experience­s builds from our prior understand­ing about the impact of adversity on child developmen­t. All together, we are now beginning to appreciate the power of positive relationsh­ips and experience on human brain developmen­t and function.”

Without a doubt, this social-science study underscore­s the relevance and need for the type of youth mentoring experience­s provided by organizati­ons such as Big Brothers Big Sisters. They bring together people of different background­s in order to build bridges, mutual understand­ing and positive relationsh­ips that are mutually transforma­tive for the mentors and mentees alike.

National Mentoring Month, observed annually in January, provides an ideal time to look ahead on 2021 and prioritize the need for mentoring in the “New Normal,” while reflecting on the importance of cultivatin­g positive mentoring relationsh­ips within communitie­s and schools and to ensure our youth have “someone trustworth­y to talk to.” A mentor can indeed be a critical healer of adverse childhood experience­s that have proved to be responsibl­e for so much of the pain in our community.

An effective way to become a mentor is to work with organizati­ons like Big Brothers Big Sisters, which offer a variety of ways to meet the need for youth mentoring in our community. These organizati­ons offer opportunit­ies for people to become mentors according to their own schedules, as well as the chance for corporatio­ns to become “School to Work Partners” that enable their employees to become mentors.

The need is significan­t, as currently the MiamiDade and Broward BBBS chapters have a combined 1560 “Littles” (youth mentees) waiting to be matched with “Bigs” (adult mentors). The commitment is simple: as much or as little time as a mentor can feasibly allocate to spend with a mentee.

One of many examples of the positive impact of mentoring is Little Sister, Shantal Soto, who was matched with her Big Sister Erika Weissberg in the School to Work program at Homestead Hospital. As a result, Shantal became an employee and colleague. Having completing her college coursework, she is now a first responder serving our community as a nurse. To learn more about ways that you can get involved, visit and www.BBBSBrowar­

The children in South Florida do not need to be “fixed.” They are not the problem. Rather, our youth simply need consistent love, nurturing and support to ignite the power and promise that live naturally within each one of them. When one person mentors, two people benefit, and our community becomes infinitely stronger.

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