Miami Herald

Teach the nation’s entire history


The nation is feeling the strong winds of dissent in the arena of education and what is proper to teach our children.

Some argue that we are just witnessing the reaction of white parents to the teaching of the quite real and cruel, history of slavery and racism in this country. The other side insists that that young sensitivit­ies are hurt and, worse, students are victims of extremist indoctrina­tion.

We should proceed with caution in this debate because our fundamenta­l First Amendment right of expression may well end up damaged. Bad ideas should be confronted with better ideas.

Yet, to compound the problem, the issue is also has political consequenc­es. Glenn Youngkin’s victory in Virginia’s race for governor was the result of white parents’ irate reaction to teaching critical race theory in the school. Well-known Democratic strategist James Carville advised his party to drop the entire “woke” culture, for independen­ts and moderates are rejecting it.

His legitimate concern has to do with the 2022 midterm elections.

I am an independen­t voter and couldn’t agree with Carville. Yes, if it continues its current approach, the Democratic Party is going to be crushed in 2022, for as Carville noted, the independen­t voter that gave President Biden his victory surely won’t be there this time.

Yes, teach children about the horror of slavery and racism; plus, the latter not just directed against Blacks. But don’t tell me that it alone explains America, because this amazing nation is so much more. – Felipe Fernandez,


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