Miami Herald

Biden making plans for 1st visit to U.S.-Mexico border


President Joe Biden said Wednesday he intends to visit the U.S.-Mexico border — his first since taking office — in connection with his meeting next week in Mexico City with the leaders of Mexico and Canada.

“That’s my intention, we’re working out the details now,” Biden told reporters during a trip to Kentucky.

That border has seen massive increases in migrants even as a U.S. public health law remains in place that allows American authoritie­s to turn away many people who are seeking asylum in the United States. Republican leaders have criticized the president for policies that they say are ineffectiv­e on border security and they have questioned why he has not made a trip there yet.

Immigratio­n will be among the top talking points at the summit Monday and Tuesday when Biden and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau are hosted by Mexico President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador.

Early in his president, Biden put Vice President Kamala Harris in charge of the White House effort to tackle the migration challenge at the border and work with Central American nations to address central causes of the problem. She visited El Paso, Texas, in June 2021 and was criticized for choosing a location too far from the epicenter of border crossings that straining federal resources.

For now, the Supreme Court has kept in place Trump-era restrictio­ns, often known as Title 42 in reference to a 1944 public health law, after Biden acted to end them and Republican­s sued in response. Title 42 was invoked to prevent the spread of COVID-19, but there always has been criticism that the restrictio­ns were used as a pretext by thenPresid­ent Donald Trump to seal off the border.

The Biden administra­tion has yet to lay out any systemic changes to manage an expected surge of migrants should the restrictio­ns end. In Congress, a bipartisan immigratio­n bill was buried shortly before Republican­s assumed control of the House.

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