Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Walker: Be ‘happy warriors’


neutral in this race,” House Speaker Paul Ryan reiterated Thursday on “Fox & Friends,” when asked about the attack delivered against Trump by Romney, Ryan’s 2012 running mate.

But Ryan said at his weekly news conference that he reserved the right to keep speaking out “if I see episodes where conservati­sm is being disfigured, if I see ideas and comments that mislead the people as to who we are as Republican­s” — as he has done twice already in rebuking Trump.

Ryan said on Fox that Romney was “very worried about the future of our party and our country. . . . We don’t have a nominee yet, this thing still has a ways to play out. So people who are in the party are going to be speaking their mind . . . everything is fair game on the way to the nomination.”

Gov. Scott Walker told a gathering at the Conservati­ve Political Action Conference here Thursday that no matter how upset they may be about what is going on in the 2016 presidenti­al race, they shouldn’t give up on politics, and should be “happy warriors.”

That was about the closest Walker came Thursday to saying anything about Trump, whose surging anti-establishm­ent candidacy helped drive Walker from the GOP presidenti­al race last fall.

“Some of you might be confused, dare I say, upset, about what’s happening in the presidenti­al election, but I want to offer you some enthusiasm, some optimism today,” said Walker, who did not mention Trump’s name. “No matter what’s happening there, the conservati­ve movement is alive and well in states all across America.”

GOP Sen. Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, who appeared at the same conservati­ve conference as Walker, said in an interview that he is sticking by his commitment to support whoever is the GOP nominee.

“Let the best person win and then I’ll support whoever that person is,” Johnson said. But the senator, who is up for re-election and has stayed neutral in the Republican contest, called the warring in the race “a little depressing.”

In a speech Thursday, Romney fully joined the “Stop Trump” movement brewing within the party.

“His promises are as worthless as a degree from Trump University. He’s playing the members of the American public for suckers,” said Romney, who welcomed Trump’s endorsemen­t in 2012. “His domestic policies would lead to recession. His foreign policies would make America and the world less safe. He has neither the temperamen­t nor the judgment to be president. And his personal qualities would mean that America would cease to be a shining city on a hill.”

Arizona Sen. John McCain expressed his support for Romney’s “concerns” on Twitter Thursday, saying, “I hope the American (people) think hard about who they want as commander-inchief.”

That put each of the party’s last two nominees in a state of open dismay over the candidate who is most likely at this point to be their party’s 2016 standard-bearer.

Trump was very much the elephant in the room at the outset of this year’s edition of CPAC, a massive annual gathering of conservati­ve activists, media and politician­s outside Washington, where the GOP presidenti­al candidates were all scheduled to speak this week.

Walker was the first politician to address the conference Thursday.

When the governor spoke here a year ago, he was perhaps the hottest presidenti­al hopeful in the GOP field, and was surrounded by crowds and members of the media as he passed through the halls. But in a hint of some of the bumps he would later encounter on the campaign trail, one comment in the Q&A after his speech drew controvers­y, when he told the crowd his battle with protesters in Wisconsin showed he had the mettle to take on the Islamic State as commander-in-chief.

This time, Walker’s appearance was vastly overshadow­ed by Romney’s extraoram dinary speech and the unfolding open warfare in the GOP.

Walker never uttered Trump’s name, and spent most of his speech touting his record and the record of fellow GOP governors.

When Walker dropped out of the presidenti­al race in September, he urged his party rivals to clear the field and unite against Trump.

That didn’t happen, but Walker himself has opted not to endorse anyone else or more openly criticize Trump since then.

The governor told the crowd here, “We need to be happy warriors.”

At another point he said, “No matter what you think about what’s happening in the presidenti­al election, you can’t give up.”

Ryan, his fellow Wisconsin Republican, criticized Trump on Tuesday for not sufficient­ly disavowing his support from former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke.

Later that day, after his Super Tuesday primary victories, Trump responded to a question about Ryan by saying, “Paul Ryan, I don’t know him well, but I’m sure I’m going to get along great with him. And if I don’t, he’s going to have to pay a big price, OK?”

Ryan was asked by a reporter Thursday about that comment from Trump. He laughed.

“I actually watched it live, I was sitting in my office watching it live, and I just laughed out loud. Sometimes reality is stranger than fiction around here these days. I don’t really think anything of it,” said Ryan.

Ryan said he didn’t really know Trump.

“We’re going to obviously get to know each other if he gets the nomination. And we’ll cross those bridges when we get to it. I’m a good-natured guy, so I get along with everybody.”

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 ?? GETTY IMAGES ?? U.S. Speaker of the House Paul Ryan speaks during the Conservati­ve Political Action Conference on Thursday.
GETTY IMAGES U.S. Speaker of the House Paul Ryan speaks during the Conservati­ve Political Action Conference on Thursday.

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