Milwaukee Journal Sentinel



I have 18-year-old twin sons who are seniors in high school and more mature than most at their age. My husband and I raised them with responsibi­lity and manners, and people comment on how well they behave.

My problem is neither one seems interested in socializin­g. They don’t date and never have friends over. They tell me people their age are “morons.”

The boys are very close. They still share a room, and want to attend college together and major in the same field. I’m worried that they are TOO close and need to separate from each other and get out more. I worry that they aren’t experienci­ng the life of typical teenagers. Should I be worried about this or wait and see what college brings them?

— Mother Of Twins Your boys may be responsibl­e and mannerly, but they appear to be socially immature. The time to have separated them and encouraged them to develop their individual personalit­ies was when they entered their teens.

While it is normal for twins to share a special closeness, the fact that they don’t socialize, don’t date and consider their contempora­ries all to be morons IS something to be worried about. If you are going to contribute to their college educations, it might be helpful to insist they go to different schools. But before you do, consult a licensed counselor for guidance because it may be traumatic for them.

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