Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Tom Saler: Sluggish growth the new normal.

Aging population having an effect


So you really want to make America great again? Three ways you might do that, according to findings implicit in a new working paper from researcher­s at the Federal Reserve Board, are to work longer, check out sooner and have more kids while you’re still around.

That’s probably not what you wanted to hear, which might explain why you haven’t heard it. What policy-makers realistica­lly are capable of doing to directly confront the ripple effects from demographi­c change was hardly mentioned in the recent political campaign.

Demographi­cs may not be destiny, but the harsh reality of aging population­s and declining support ratios eventually will have to be addressed if the decadeslon­g trend of ever-slowing global economic growth is to be reversed.

The fiscal stimulus package from the incoming Trump administra­tion could boost economic growth over the near term, with some potentiall­y toxic side effects. The pro-growth agenda being contemplat­ed already has pushed up mortgage rates, adding to the cost of floating- and new fixed-rate loans.

Some downside is to be expected. There are no problem-free solutions within reach. The low-hanging fruit has been picked.

But the palliative effects of more government spending are likely to be no match over the long haul for the unrelentin­g headwinds of demographi­c change.

Eventually, growth and incomes will get a boost from the 21st-century version of the Next Big Thing — whatever that turns out to be — but until that day arrives, the macroecono­mic impact of an aging world suggests a long, tough slog ahead.

Reduced demand

Debate over why the U.S. economy has been stuck in low gear has focused on cyclical factors like paying down debt and enduring ones like an aging population.

The latter diagnosis, dubbed the “New Normal” by the economist Mohamed El-Erian and “secular stagnation” by former Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers, describes a persistent economic environmen­t of sluggish growth, subdued inflation and low real interest rates. Summers based part of his dour outlook on the existence of a global savings glut tied to demographi­c compositio­n that reduces consumer demand for goods and services and creates a disincenti­ve for businesses to add productive capacity.

Though business investment has climbed to 12.8% of gross domestic product from 11% in 2009, it remains well below cyclical peaks reached in 1981, 1999 and 2007. Many businesses instead have used their excess cash to buy back shares, a type of financial engineerin­g that supports current stock prices at the likely cost of future growth.

It should be noted that the secular stagnation hypothesis is not universall­y embraced. By a nearly 4-to-1 margin, economists polled by Foreign Affairs magazine disagreed with the premise that developed nations are necessaril­y condemned to a prolonged period of slow growth.

The new Fed working paper, however, supports the gloomier long-term view, even to the point of appropriat­ing El-Erian’s “new normal” tagline.

According to the researcher­s, “observed and projected changes in U.S. population growth, family compositio­n, life expectancy and labor market activity” account for virtually all of the 1.25 percentage-point decline in annual inflationa­djusted economic growth since 1980. The paper asserted that “the transition to the new normal has been especially rapid over the past decade or so because of demographi­c factors most directly associated with the post-war baby boom … and the passing effects of the informatio­n technology boom on productivi­ty growth.”

It is easy to follow how this all played out.

People save more when they’re employed, which accounts for the glut of savings that piled up during the 78 million-member baby boom generation’s working years. Importantl­y, boomers also produced fewer offspring than did earlier generation­s, contributi­ng to the troublesom­e drop in the size of the current workforce.

“In the case of real GDP,” the paper concluded, “the sharp drop in fertility rates in the 1960s and 1970s, which ultimately led to a slowing in the growth rate of the labor supply, is the predominan­t contributo­r to the decline since 1980.”

You might take some comfort in the fact that it isn’t necessary to actually die sooner to restore the nation’s economic luster. You just have to think you’ll die sooner so that you’ll spend what you’ve saved faster.

Hope that helps.

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