Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Ban Confederat­e flags


The Nazi flag, swastika and other emblems are banned in Germany as are statues and monuments to any of their leaders. There are no celebratio­ns of any kind, as it’s a painful reminder of their shameful past, the pain and suffering from the hate and bigotry they believed in.

So why are the Confederat­e flag and banners allowed to be displayed, let alone on five state flags? To most Americans it is their symbol of hate and bigotry, but not so, say those who defend them. It’s all about Southern pride. Just as Germany and Japan declared war with America, how is that different from the Confederac­y? Confederat­e sympathize­rs were responsibl­e for assassinat­ing one of our greatest presidents.

Why is it when we think of a traitor, it’s always Benedict Arnold instead of Robert E. Lee? He was educated at West Point then applied that knowledge to fight against his own country. Many still consider him a hero and in high regard, even in the North. Aren’t we arresting individual­s who are trying to leave the U.S. and fight for Isis?

While racism and bigotry always have been prevalent in this country, during and after this election white supremacis­ts and like-minded citizens have become more open and, of course, fly the rebel flag in all its glory.

I hope President-elect Donald Trump works on removing this flag from government grounds. If we are truly a Christian nation and believe in the teachings of Jesus Christ who taught us to love one another, we need to stop this hate that is dividing our country.

Jarrell Taylor New Berlin


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