Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Tallgrass Kitchen:

Gather family for breakfast.

- Anna Thomas Bates Anna Thomas Bates is a mother and writer living in southern Wisconsin. Find more recipes and stories on her blog, tallgrassk­ Email her at tallgrass

Soon, kids will be home on holiday break. Time to stock up on wine. Kidding (kind of). You may also be expecting guests. All of this means sleeping in and hearty breakfast appetites.

There is nothing more luxurious than sleeping until your eyes open of their own accord and heading down the stairs to a well-cooked breakfast around 10 a.m. Of course, if you’re preparing this indulgence, you will be up earlier than that—but you can definitely be chef in your pajamas.

With some planning, this recipe may earn you a few extra moments in bed, because it is almost better reheated the next day. And bonus, it makes a hearty dinner when paired with a green salad or a perfect post-ice skating snack.

Inspired by a Spanish tortilla, a traditiona­l frittata-like dish that typically includes potatoes and is served tapas-style in Spain, this variation includes sweet potatoes and lots of other vegetables to make you feel virtuous after eating all the Christmas cookies.

Although it is packed with nutrition, it is decadent. Its richness comes from cooking the sweet potatoes in a generous amount of olive oil. Sweet roasted peppers pair with the sweet potatoes, balanced by savory onions, the slight bitterness of kale and some salty cheese. If you don’t have those exact vegetables, other combinatio­ns would work. If they are harder vegetables, make sure you pre-cook them with the onions and potatoes in the first step.

Family dinners are a wonderful way to connect and spend time with your loved ones, but during these hopefully slightly less hectic days of holiday break, try family breakfast. Everyone is wellrested and ready to start a fresh day and no one is hurrying to get to work or school. And if you keep them at the table long enough, you won’t have to make lunch.

 ?? ANNA THOMAS BATES ?? Spanish-style Sweet Potato Tortilla packs in vegetables.
ANNA THOMAS BATES Spanish-style Sweet Potato Tortilla packs in vegetables.

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