Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Putting veterans to work

- WILL SHAFROTH Will Shafroth is president of the National Park Foundation.

From the Civilian Conservati­on Corps’ Camp Tomahawk to Blue Ridge Parkway in North Carolina, the legacy of the New Deal effort to put millions of unemployed Americans to work in the service of their country is with us every day. Our national parks are living monuments of the thousands of Americans who traded hard labor for “three hots and a cot” and work that mattered through these programs.

The need to invest in our communitie­s is just as great today as it was back then. In 2014, Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell announced a major initiative to provide 100,000 work and training opportunit­ies to America’s youth and veterans. This announceme­nt coincides with increased awareness of the disproport­ionately high rate of unemployme­nt among our nation’s veterans. According to the 2015 Veteran Economic Opportunit­y Report by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, approximat­ely one out of two post-9/11 veterans will face a period of unemployme­nt.

This population of veterans faces daunting challenges. The lengthy and repeated deployment­s being heaped on a smaller and smaller population of service men and women are profoundly disruptive and disorienti­ng to many of our veterans, especially in an economy rocked by globalizat­ion, the digital revolution and the financial crash and housing crisis of the Great Recession.

It’s a crisis — but as the saying goes, also an opportunit­y. And the National Park Service is seizing the moment through a public private partnershi­p with the National Park Foundation, Boeing and The Mission Continues to help returning veterans find work protecting, restoring, and rebuilding America’s natural and cultural resources. This initiative, Veterans in Parks Program, is part of the National Park Foundation’s Centennial Campaign for America’s National Parks.

It’s vital and lasting work, building directly upon the labor of our forbearers in the Works Progress Administra­tion and the Civilian Conservati­on Corps who blazed the trails, cleared the campsites, and built the lodges that millions enjoy every year in our national parks today.

And it’s a critical rein- tegration tool to help veterans rejoin civilian life. It offers mentors, education, and developmen­t opportunit­ies, and — more than anything — continued sense of service, of mattering in the world, that can be so hard to find for many who return home from extraordin­ary service into ordinary life.

Boeing and the National Park Service are both celebratin­g their centennial anniversar­ies this year—100 years of accomplish­ment and good works that have invigorate­d communitie­s, powered our economy, and changed our country forever for the better.

It is that same sense of service, partnershi­p, and lasting accomplish­ment that animated the original New Deal works programs and that powers the National Park Service’s hiring and outreach efforts and Boeing’s steadfast support of our veterans today. A belief that every person can make a difference, that opportunit­y begets achievemen­t, and that every seed we plant today grows into more opportunit­ies for our children — and our children’s children.

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