Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Walker boosting Gorsuch

Governor challenges Baldwin’s comments


Gov. Scott Walker is leading the Republican charge against Democratic U.S. Sen. Tammy Baldwin in the fight over U.S. Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch.

Baldwin has criticized President Donald Trump’s pick for the court, and Democrats are weighing whether to filibuster the nomination.

In an email to Republican supporters Wednesday, Walker praised Gorsuch, calling him “widely respected by legal scholars on both sides of the political spectrum.”

He urged Democrats to “hold a timely confirmati­on and vote.”

“Unfortunat­ely, Senate Democrats — including Tammy Baldwin — are already engaging in knee-jerk attacks on Judge Gorsuch’s record and playing politics with our nation’s future. It is critical that we stand together at this time and do everything we can to support Judge Gorsuch,” Walker wrote.

Walker said he will be “joining other Wisconsin Republican­s this weekend to show the widespread support Judge Gorsuch has in Wisconsin and to remind Democrats of their solemn duty to vote on this nominee.”

He also urged supporters to call Baldwin’s Washington office to tell her to confirm Gorsuch.

Mark Morgan, executive director of the Republican Party of Wisconsin, also sent an email asking for donations as the party tries to show mass support for Gorsuch.

For their part, Democrats remain angered by the Republican blockade that prevented former President Barack Obama’s pick, Merrick Garland, from receiving considerat­ion to replace the late Antonin Scalia on the high court.

After Gorsuch’s nomination was announced Tuesday, Baldwin said Trump’s selection showed he is “intent on creating more division in our country. Instead of putting forward a mainstream nominee for the vacant Supreme Court seat, he has offered someone who will have a hard time earning bipartisan support.”

Baldwin said she would fully review Gorsuch’s record.

“I also look forward to meeting with him because I have a number of concerns and questions about his deeply troubling record, particular­ly his rulings against disabled students, against workers and against women’s reproducti­ve health care,” she said.

Baldwin is up for re-election in 2018. Republican­s who might take her on include U.S. Rep. Sean Duffy (R-Wausau), Madison businessma­n Eric Hovde and Marine veteran Kevin Nicholson.

Walker also faces re-election in 2018.

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