Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

» Israel:

Clashes erupt as Jewish settler community dismantled


Violence erupts as a Jewish settler community is dismantled.

AMONA, West Bank - Israeli forces uprooted this West Bank outpost on Wednesday, removing residents and hundreds of their supporters in sometimes violent clashes as they dismantled a community that has become a symbol of Jewish settler defiance.

The evacuation, which followed years of legal battles, came amid a flurry of bold new settlement moves by Israel’s government, which has been buoyed by the election of President Donald Trump.

Thousands of police officers carried out the removal, squaring off against hundreds of protesters, many of them young religious activists who flocked to the wind-swept hilltop to show their solidarity with residents.

Planting themselves inside trailer homes and the community’s synagogue, the protesters defied police, who carried some away. Protesters chained themselves to heavy objects or linked arms to form a wall against police, chanting “Jews don’t expel Jews!” Dozens of residents reluctantl­y left their homes without resistance, young children in tow.

“This is my home. I want to stay here. It is my right to stay here,” resident Tamar Nizri told Channel 2 TV news. “This is expulsion, destructio­n, an injustice and a crime. The most basic truth is that the Land of Israel belongs to the people of Israel,” including the West Bank, she said.

With some 250 residents, Amona is the largest of about 100 unauthoriz­ed outposts erected in the West Bank without formal permission but generally with tacit support from the Israeli government. It was the scene of violent clashes between settlers and security forces during a partial demolition exactly 11 years ago, on Feb. 1, 2006.

Those homes were found to be built on private Palestinia­n land. Israel’s Supreme Court later ruled in 2014 that the entire outpost was built on private Palestinia­n land and must be demolished, setting Feb. 8 as the final deadline after repeated delays.

In an apparent attempt to temper settler anger over the evacuation, Israel approved thousands of new settler homes a day before the outpost’s removal, signaling a ramping up of settlement constructi­on under President Trump, who has indicated he will be more accepting of Israeli settlement policies. The settler movement is a potent political force in Israel, and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s nationalis­t coalition government is dominated by settlers and their allies.

In contrast to his predecesso­rs, Trump has voiced no objections to Israel’s latest settlement binge. Amona residents and their supporters had hoped Trump and his softer approach might open a door for the outpost to remain on the hilltop, to no avail.

The evacuation marks the end of a yearslong legal battle by the Palestinia­ns who own the land Amona was built on and witnessed repeated delays by the government to implement the court ruling.

“Our feeling is indescriba­ble,” said Abdel-Rahman Saleh, the mayor of the nearby Palestinia­n town of Silwad who assisted the landowners in building their case. “This will open the way for other Palestinia­ns to move ahead and retrieve their confiscate­d land.”

 ?? EUROPEAN PRESS AGENCY ?? Israeli settlers burn tires and block an entrance Wednesday ahead of the eviction of the illegal Jewish settlement of Amona, in the West Bank.
EUROPEAN PRESS AGENCY Israeli settlers burn tires and block an entrance Wednesday ahead of the eviction of the illegal Jewish settlement of Amona, in the West Bank.
 ?? ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? Israeli police arrest a settler in Amona outpost. Amona is the largest of about 100 unauthoriz­ed outposts erected in the West Bank without permission but generally tolerated by the Israeli governm ent.
ASSOCIATED PRESS Israeli police arrest a settler in Amona outpost. Amona is the largest of about 100 unauthoriz­ed outposts erected in the West Bank without permission but generally tolerated by the Israeli governm ent.

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